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i2b2 Working Groups IWG
    • The payload of C_METADATAXML column (C_METADATAXML attribute within a metadata row) controls the pop-up behavior in i2b2 webclient (and other interfaces). It is itself an XML document.
    • The purpose of the pop-up behavior is to fine-tune query processing.  For example, a pop-up can allow a user to select a desired range of numeric values.  Once selected, only facts with an associated value in that range are examined by the query.  As an example, this might allow looking for Body temperature values in a particular range.
    • When c_metadataxml is NULL in a metadata row, no pop-up is displayed if that row is selected in the i2b2 folder browsing interface.
    • Sample - metadataxml for Body temperature:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <CreationDateTime>06/09/2015 12:00:00</CreationDateTime>
    <Enums /><Counts /><New />
  • You must create a single string from the XML by concatenating all lines together into a single string.  The reason is that this XML becomes a single column (C_METADATAXML) associated with a single row of metadata.  It must be loaded as a single string.
  • Metadataxml is most commonly used for observations with associated continuous variables such as lab results and vital signs
  • No labels

i2b2 Working Groups IWG