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Release Management RM

Integrating Informatics for Biology and the Bedside

Release Notes for i2b2 Version 1.3.1

These release notes address issues found and information about the i2b2 version 1.3.1. Unless otherwise specified, these notes apply to the following operating systems:

  • Apple Macintosh OS x 10.4/5
  • Microsoft Windows 2000
  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Additional Information

Included in this document are the following sections:




Information related to installing the release.

Third Party Software

Software that is utilized by i2b2 but is owned, maintained and licensed by other companies is referred to as "Third Party Software". Any version changes made or needed to be made to the users system will be noted in this section.

New Features

A list of new enhancements will be included in this section. A brief description and a reference to the specification will be provided.


Any changes that are not considered an enhancement will be included in this section. This may be a fix for a problem found or it may be a change to existing code but not related to a problem.


i2b2 licensing information


Trademark information


i2b2 release 1.3.1 does not contain any changes to the installation.

Third Party Software

i2b2 release 1.3.1 does not contain any changes to third party software.

New Features

i2b2 release 1.3.1 contains the following new feature.

On-line Help

The i2b2 Workbench now includes documentation that can be accessed from the help menu or from the help view. The following features are now available.

  • Help view is dynamic; the contents displayed will be specific to the active i2b2 view.
  • Help icon has been added to each i2b2 view. Clicking on this icon will launch the help window and bring you to the chapter for that view.
  • Users can search for help either from the help view or the help window.


The i2b2 source code is licensed under the i2b2 Software License 2.1. This includes but is not limited to all code in the edu.harvard.i2b2.* package namespace.


Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP, and Windows Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Mac OS is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc.
Eclipse Europa is a registered trademark of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • No labels

Release Management RM