Server (Cells) Design
Space shortcuts
Space Tools
Server (Cells) Design ServerSideDesign

Hive Data

  • The domain page captures general information about the hive.
  • The information captured includes the domain id, domain name, environment, and help URL.
  • The information will be stored in the PM_HIVE_DATA table.

Hive Parameters

  • Parameters entered here are specific to the hive (domain) and are not specific to any one project or user.
  • The hive parameters can be added from the hive (domain) data page. Once you click on the domain an additional section for entering the parameters will appear at the bottom of the page.
  • The information will be stored in the PM_HIVE_PARAMS table.

Cell Data

  • The cell data page captures information and registers the cells associated to the hive.
  • The information will be stored in the PM_CELL_DATA table.

Cell Parameters

  • Parameters entered here are specific to the cell and are not specific to any one project or user.
  • The cell parameters can be added from the cell data page. Once you click on a cell an additional section for entering the parameters will appear at the bottom of the page.
  • The information will be stored in the PM_CELL_PARAMS table.

  • No labels

Server (Cells) Design ServerSideDesign