Server (Cells) Design
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Server (Cells) Design ServerSideDesign

In order to use the i2b2 Workbench or Web Client a user has to be setup in project management and given access to one or more projects. In addition, variables can be defined for a user that can be specific to one project or used across multiple projects.

User Data

  • General information about the user will be stored in the PM_USER_DATA table.
  • The USER_ID will be referenced in other tables such as PM_USER_PARAMS and PM_PROJECT_USER_ROLES.

User Parameters

  • Parameters entered here are specific to the user and are not specific to any on project.
  • The information will be stored in the PM_USER_PARAMS table.

User Project Roles

  • The project user page captures information regarding which users have access to the project and their role.
  • The information will be stored in the PM_PROJECT_USER_ROLES table.

  • Detailed information about user roles can be found in the project section of this document.

  • No labels

Server (Cells) Design ServerSideDesign