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Scenario: Upload data in patient data object XML

The data load request message can be divided into three sections.

  1. The <input_list> specifies the location of the PDO document.
  2. The <load_list> specifies the PDO sections to load.
  3. The <output_list> specifies the output expected from the upload process.

In addition, certain dependencies exist for loading some section of the PDO. The following table shows the dependencies for loading the individual PDO section.

Load PDO section

Dependent PDO section






eid_set, pid_set, event_set, patient_set

concept_set, modifier_set, observer_set, eid_set, pid_set


The example shown below contains the sections of the PDO XML that are required to load a single observation fact.

  • Note
    The dependency section in the PDO is optional; if they exist in the data mart

For a more detailed example on loading patient and encounter mapping, please refer to the CRC Design Document.
<observation update_date="2006-05-04T18:13:51.0Z"
<event_id source="MGHE">MENT001</event_id>
<patient_id source="MGHP">MPAT001</patient_id>
<concept_cd name="C">i2b2CD</concept_cd>
<observer_cd source="TEST">@</observer_cd>
<nval_num units="units0">3.141592653589</nval_num>
<valueflag_cd name="name8">valueflag_cd0</valueflag_cd>
<patient_id status="A" update_date="2006-05-04T18:13:51.0Z"
sourcesystem_cd="TEST" source="MGHP">MPAT001</patient_id>
<event_id source="MGHE" patient_id="MPAT001"
patient_id_source="MGHP" status="A"
<event update_date="2006-05-04T18:13:51.0Z"
<event_id source="MGHE">MENT001</event_id>
<patient_id source="MGHP">MPAT001</patient_id>

Request Message:
<location_uri protocol_name="FR|LOCAL">location_uri0</location_uri>
<load_list commit_flag="true" clear_temp_load_tables="false">
<load_observation_set ignore_bad_data="true"/>
<load_event_set ignore_bad_data="true"/>
<load_patient_set ignore_bad_data="true"/>
<load_eventid_set ignore_bad_data="true"/>
<load_pid_set ignore_bad_data="true"/>
<load_eid_set ignore_bad_data="true"/>
<load_concept_set encrypt_blob="false" ignore_bad_data="true" delete_existing_data="true|false"/>
<load_modifier_set encrypt_blob="false" ignore_bad_data="true" delete_existing_data="true|false"/>
<load_observer_set ignore_bad_data="true" delete_existing_data="true|false"/>
<output_list detail="true">
<observation_set onlykeys="true" blob="false" techdata="false"/>
<patient_set onlykeys="true" blob="false" techdata="false"/>
<event_set onlykeys="true" blob="false" techdata="false"/>
<observer_set onlykeys="true" blob="false" techdata="false"/>
<concept_set onlykeys="true" blob="false" techdata="false"/>
<modifier_set onlykeys="true" blob="false" techdata="false"/>
<pid_set onlykeys="true" blob="false" techdata="false"/>
<eid_set onlykeys="true" blob="false" techdata="false"/>
<eventid_set onlykeys="true" blob="false" techdata="false"/>

Element Name



This section of xml will carry input information such as the location of the PDO file, its data format, etc.


The location of the input PDO file.


Protocol name that specifies the service for how to access the PDO file in the location_uri.
FR – File Repository
LOCAL – File resides in the server's local folder


PDO (Patient Data Object XML)


Upload's the code for the source system


The user's load label


This section of the request holds the load options.


The current implementation supports only a value of "true".
This is a placeholder for future releases.
If the flag is set to false, the system will just run all the load process for the given PDO data and will not perform commit. This is a useful option to check, whether the given PDO data, have the valid information.


This flag specifies whether to clean up the staging area.
Set this flag to false when you need to debug.


Currently this is not implemented. It will be part of a future release.

set, append_flag

Load or update the fact entry coming from the input PDO data.
If the append_flag = 'true' is specified then the PDO's fact information is just added to the stored fact and will not do any updates.


The information from the PDO's <event_set> is used to load the data to the VISIT_DIMENSION table.


The information from the PDO's <patient_set> is used to load the data to the PATIENT_DIMENSION table.

set delete_existing_data

The information from the PDO's <observer_set> is used to load the data to the PROVIDER_DIMENSION table.


The information from the PDO's <pid_set> is used to load the data to the PATIENT_MAPPING table.


The information from the PDO's <eventid_set> is used to load the data to the ENCOUNTER_MAPPING table.

set delete_existing_data

The information from the PDO's <concept_set> is used to load the data to the CONCEPT_DIMENSION table.
Set the delete_existing_flag to remove the old data before loading the new data and the old data will be available in the back up table.

set delete_existing_data

The information from the PDO's <modifier_set> is used to load the data to the MODIFIER_DIMENSION table.
Set the delete_existing_flag to remove the old data before loading the new data and the old data will be available in the back up table.


This section of the request is used for getting the upload process status information.


This attribute is a placeholder for a future release.
The attribute specifies whether the response message should have detailed information.
If the value is false, then the service will return only the count for the number of inserted and updated records. Otherwise a separate file with the inserted and updated records will be created.


This element specifies the process to fetch the details of updated records on the OBSERVATION_FACT table.


Return the primary key fields in the response


Return the blob field in the response


Return the techdata fields in the response


The element specifies the process to fetch the details of updated records on the PATIENT_DIMENSION table.


The element specifies the process to fetch the details of updated records on the VISIT_DIMENSION table.


The element specifies the process to fetch the details of updated records on the PROVIDER_DIMENSION table.


The element specifies the process to fetch the details of updated records on the CONCEPT_DIMENSION table.


The element specifies the process to fetch the details of updated records on the MODIFIER_DIMENSION table.


The element specifies the process to fetch the details of updated records on the PATIENT_MAPPING table.


The element specifies the process to fetch the details of updated records on the ENCOUNTER_MAPPING table.

Response Message:
<condition type="ERROR|DONE" coding_system="">
error message
<data_file_location_uri protocol_name="FR|LOCAL">
<observation_set inserted_record="0" ignored_record="0" total_record="0">
<ignored_patient_data_file_uri protocol_name="FR|LOCAL">
<patient_set inserted_record="0" ignored_record="0" total_record="0">
<ignored_patient_data_file_uri protocol_name="FR|LOCAL">
<event_set inserted_record="0" ignored_record="0" total_record="0">
<observer_set inserted_record="0" ignored_record="0" total_record="0">
<concept_set inserted_record="0" ignored_record="0" total_record="0">
<modifier_set inserted_record="0" ignored_record="0" total_record="0">
<pid_set inserted_record="0" ignored_record="0" total_record="0">
<eventid_set inserted_record="0" ignored_record="0" total_record="0">

Scenario: Get upload status info by upload_id and user_id

This message will retrieve one of the following:

  1. A list of upload status information based on the user_id
  2. A single upload status by upload_id

Request Message:

Response Message:
Please refer section for <load_data_response/>
. . .

Scenario: Find the unmapped term in the datamart

This service returns a count for the number of concepts, modifiers and providers that considered "unmapped". A term is "unmapped" when it is found in the fact table and is missing from the corresponding dimension table.
The unmapped term can be requested for a particular upload or for the entire data mart. If detail="true" then the service will return the list of unmapped terms.
Request Message:
<get_missing_term_request upload_id="NN" detail="true | false">
<concept_set start="1" end="1000" />
<modifier_set start="1" end="1000" />
<observer_set start="1" end="1000" />

Response Message:
<missing_term_report upload_id="22">
<concept_set mapped="41683182" unmapped=""/>
<modifier_set mapped="41683182" unmapped="" />
<observation_set mapped="41683182" unmapped=""/>
<concept missing_total="9">
<concept missing_total="5">
</missing_term_report_response >

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