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The export_child message is sent to export as xml the content of a node in a tree. This message requires the user to specify the id for the node.

Exporting Child in the Tree

The export_child message is used to export the request xml or analysis xml from the tree nodes in the Workplace view. In both of these cases the table / index (root to search are known.
To export an item, the sequence of events is as follows:

  1. The client sends a message with one of the following types:

Request type = QM for Query Master or QR for Analysis Breakdown

  1. The WORK server performs the following steps:
    1. Queries the CRC cell requesting either the Query Master or the Analysis Breakdown.

  1. The client receives the request XML received from the CRC.

export_child Request Message

The export_child message implies that the user is passing a key / index for a parent and wants the XML returned.
<export_child node="667737" type="QM" />

export_child Response Message

Response Message:
<ns5:response xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:ns9="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns6="" xmlns:ns7="" xmlns:ns10="" xmlns:ns8="">
<application_name>CRC Cell</application_name>
<facility_name>i2b2 Hive</facility_name>
<application_name>Workplace Cell</application_name>
<facility_name>i2b2 Hive</facility_name>
<info>Log information</info>
<status type="DONE">DONE</status>
<polling_url interval_ms="100" />
<ns4:response xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns4:master_responseType">
<condition type="DONE">DONE</condition>
<ns3:query_definition xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns3="">

<name>Patient Sets</name>
<tooltip>FOLDER:Patient Sets</tooltip>

Server (Cells) Messaging Home ServerellsMessagingHome