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A getUserConfiguration message is sent by a client application or another cell service to get a list of cells and / or roles associated with that client.
The optional attribute "project" can be used to specify for which project the PM cell should return data. If the attribute is blank, then all projects that the user has access to are returned.
The optional parameter <data_needed> specifies an XPATH type method to return parts of the message. For example, USER to just receive the data enclosed by the <user> tags, CELL_DATAS to just receive the data enclosed by the <cell_datas> tags, and so forth for each top level tag. If the attribute is blank or is not included, all data is returned.
The domain, username, and password are sent in the header of the message so it does not need to be sent separately in the <message_body>.

Server (Cells) Messaging Home ServerellsMessagingHome