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The get_children message returns all the children of a particular folder. A client may want a list of all the children in order to expand a node of the workplace tree when a user is browsing through the tree.

Populating Children of Tree Nodes

The get_children message is used to populate tree nodes in the Workplace view. In both of these cases the table / index (root) to search are known.
The sequence of events is as follows:

  1. The client sends a message with the following settings:

type = core
blob = true

  1. WORK server performs the following steps:
    1. Parses <parent> to obtain the table_cd and index. Queries WORKPLACE_ACCESS table for the table name associated with the table_cd.
    2. Query WORKPLACE table returned above for all entries with parent_index = index.

  1. Client receives a list of children and populates the tree.

get_children Request Message

The get_children message implies that the user is passing a key / index for a parent and wants the children returned. The parent tag will tell the service what metadata table / index to search in and for the get_children message must be specified. The structure of a parent is organized as follows:
So <parent>\\asthma\22</parent> equates to the metadata table that maps to the key "asthma" plus the index "22" to search for.
Attributes provide information about the results to be returned. The "blob" attribute indicates whether or not to return the blob and for this feature must be set to true.
<get_children blob="true">

Possible "blob" Settings





Do not return data stored as a blob or clob

xml, comments


Return xml and comments.


  • The "blob" setting must be set to true for this feature.

get_children Response Message

The request has the following settings:

Response Message:
<name>Patient Sets</name>
<tooltip>FOLDER:Patient Sets</tooltip>

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