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The modify_child message is sent to edit the content of a node in the metadata tree.

Modify a Node in the Tree

To modify a node in the tree, the sequence of events is as follows:

  1. The client specifies a leaf, folder or container to be modified.
  2. The Ontology server performs the following steps:
    1. Parses the node information to obtain the key / table_cd
    2. Queries the TABLE_ACCESS table for the table name associated with the TABLE_CD.
    3. Update the metadata table with the new information for the corresponding node.

  1. The client refreshes the leaf, folder or container.

modify_child Request Message

This message requires the user to specify the modified node's content. An attribute indicates whether synonyms changes should be applied to the synonyms. The attribute inclSynonyms = true indicates that no synonyms were added or removed ruing this edit session and we would like to apply the modifications to them. inclSynonyms = false indicates that synonyms were added or removed during this edit session; in this case the synonyms are deleted and reinserted anew.
<ns6:modify_child incl_synonyms="false">
<key>\\i2b2\Custom Ontology\Test folder{color:#0000ff}</key>
<name>Test folder</name>
<basecode />
<dimcode>\Custom Ontology\Test folder{color:#0000ff}</dimcode>
<comment />
<tooltip>\ Custom Ontology \ Test folder</tooltip>
<sourcesystem_cd />
<valuetype_cd />

modify_child Response Message

A status type of DONE or ERROR is specified in the response header. No specialized <message_body> is returned to the client.

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