Developers Getting Started With i2b2
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Developers Getting Started With i2b2 getstarted

The i2b2 Administration Module (Admin) is a web based application that is designed to assist with the workflow and overall ease of setting up your i2b2 environment. Users with administration privileges can manage their cells, projects and user. The Admin has to be setup after you install the i2b2 server.

The i2b2 Administration Module is now a component of the web client. Users can be configured to have access to this module, which appears in the Project List when they log in. (See the "Alternative Method..." subpage.) In the default install, the 'i2b2' user is configured in this way.

Another method to install is to duplicate the web client installation and change the configuration to start using the admin module. This majority of this guide will cover that approach. 

Developers Getting Started With i2b2 getstarted