Developers Getting Started With i2b2
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Developers Getting Started With i2b2 getstarted

Steps Completed

The following steps were completed during this chapter on installing i2b2 server-common.

  i2b2 Server-common Installation Chapter

  Extracted the i2b2 source code to a directory of your choice (YOUR_I2B2_SRC_DIR)
  Stopped WildFly Services
  Deployed edu.harvard.i2b2.server-common


Normally we restart WildFly services between installations so we can verify a cell was deployed correctly. In this chapter we intentionally omitted this step because we did not deploy a cell so there are no services to check.

If you are not continuing with the rest of the installation at this time you may want to restart your WildFly services if they are needed for other applications in your environment. Steps on how to do this can be found in any of the cell installation chapters in the section called Start Services

Next Steps

After completing this chapter on installing the i2b2 server-common you are now ready to begin installing the i2b2 core cells. Each cell installation has its own chapter that will walk you through the installation process.

For the most part the order in which the cells are installed does not matter. There are a couple of exceptions:

1. The PM Cell has to be installed before any other cells.
2. The i2b2 Administration Module has to be installed after the PM Cell before any other cells.

At this point in the installation process your next step is to proceed to the Install Project Management (PM) Cell chapter where the steps for installing the PM Cell are defined.

Developers Getting Started With i2b2 getstarted