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Steps to Add a Hive (Global) Parameter

The following steps outline the process of adding a parameter to the hive from within the i2b2 Administration Module.

Assumption: The following steps assume you are already logged into the i2b2 Administration Module. If you do not know how to login please see the chapter titled i2b2 Administration Module Install.

1. In the Navigation panel, expand Manage Hive to display the available options.

2. Click on the Global Params option that appears in the Navigation panel.
3. The Parameters List page will display on the right side of the window pane.

4. Click on Add New Parameter. The Enter Parameter page will display.

5. Enter the name of the parameter, the value for the parameter and the data type for the parameter.
6. Click on Save to save the new parameter.
7. The Parameters List page will display with the new parameter.
8. In the Navigation panel click on Global Params to refresh the hierarchical tree and display the new parameter.

Developers Getting Started With i2b2 getstarted