i2b2 Web Client
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i2b2 Web Client webclient

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Table of Contents

The 'Previous Queries' panel has 2 tabs. 'Previous Queries' tab, which lists all queries run by the user,

and 'Find' tab, which allows the user to search for their previous queries.


The 'Previous Queries' tab displays queries run by a user, with the most recent ones listed first. Results associated with the query can also be viewed in this tab. Both a standard i2b2 query ( ) and a Temporal query ( ) will appear in the 'Previous Queries.' Please see 3. 'Query Tool' for query types.

6.2 Find tab

The 'Find' tab provides previous query search interface. In the first combo box ( ), users can select one of the search options; search from the 'Previous Query Name', 'Previous Result Type', 'Patient Number', or any of the above categories. The second combo box ( ) allows users to set the input keyword match options; 'Containing', 'Exact', 'Starting with', or 'Ending with'. It returns the search results in the same format as 'Previous Queries' tab display.


i2b2 Web Client webclient