In order for the i2b2 database scripts to work and enable the core cells to communicate with the database you need to create user accounts in your i2b2 database. The following table shows what users will be created for each database / schema that is part of the i2b2 database.
indent |
User Name | Password | Database / Schema |
i2b2demodata | demouser | i2b2demodata | i2b2hive | demouser | i2b2hive | i2b2imdata | demouser | i2b2imdata | i2b2metadata | demouser | i2b2metadata | i2b2pm | demouser | i2b2pm | i2b2workdata | demouser | i2b2workdata |
The process of creating these users depends on which Database Management System you are using in your environment. Proceed to the section that correlates to your environment (Oracle, PostgreSQL or SQL Server).