Page History
Name | Value | Description |
REDCAP_TOKEN_PID_{pid} | (7B42348B7C51123432048B51EAA) | Required:
REDCAP_SURVEY_PROJECT | (pid) | Required: Set the Value parameter to the pid value from the Redcap project url. |
REDCAP_ONTOLOGY_REFRESH | Y | Optional, Defaults to Y N - Do Not regenerate the metadata ontology. NOTE: When first setting up the i2b2/redcap this needs to be set to Y at least one or the ontology will not be created. |
REDCAP_ROOT_ONTOLOGY | \REDCAP\ | Optional, Defaults to \REDCAP\ |
REDCAP_ONTOLOGY_FORMAT | tree | Optional, Defaults to tree tree - All enumerated values, Yes/No will be children on the ontology The only exception is items with checkbox, which will always be a popup |
RECAP_PROTECTED_ROLE | DATA_PROT | Optional, Defaults to DATA_PROT If this redcap form has the identified value set to true, than this ontology will be protected and only users with the following i2b2 access role will be able to access it. |
3) Give Editor role to the project for AGG_SERVICE_ACCOUNT( optional DATA_PROT, DEID, LDS)
4) Submit a form and check to see if the ontology was created.