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- PL/SQL scripts containing useful procedures to be stored and used in the i2b2 DB
- FAIRupdate.sql – contains the FAIRupdate( ) procedure.
- FAIRshow.sql – contains the FAIRshow( ) procedure.
- VBS scripts for generating PL/SQL scripts to call the aforementioned stored procedures to update and show the FAIR XML for specified patients in the i2b2 DB
- FAIRxls2sqls.vbs – takes an XLS input file that contains the patient FAIR data.
- FAIRcsv2sqls.vbs - takes a CSV input file that contains the patient FAIR data.
With these tools, a DBA simply need to do the following when it is necessary to input / update
patient FAIR data into the i2b2 DB:
1. Run FAIRupdate.sql and FAIRshow.sql scripts on the i2b2 DB (e.g. via the Oracle APEX GUI)
to load / store the two procedures (note that this only needs to be done once).
2. Compile the patient FAIR data into either an Excel spreadsheet (XLS) file or a comma-separated-
values (CSV) file.
3. Run either FAIRxls2sqls.vbs or FAIRcsv2sqls.vbs against the XLS or CSV FAIR data file,
respectively, to generate the resulting "FAIRxml-updates.sql" and "FAIRxml-shows.sql" (note:
name of each generated file to be specified by the user as part of the invocation of either
VBS utility) script files.
4. Run the "FAIRxml-updates.sql" script on the i2b2 DB (e.g. via the Oracle APEX GUI) to input /
update the patient FAIR data accordingly.
5. Optionally run the "FAIRxml- shows.sql" script on the i2b2 DB (e.g. via the Oracle APEX GUI)
to display the latest patient FAIR data accordingly.
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