Familial, Associational, & Incidental Relationships (FAIR) Initiative.
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Familial, Associational, & Incidental Relationships (FAIR) Initiative. FAIR

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  • PL/SQL scripts containing useful procedures to be stored and used in the i2b2 DB
    1. FAIRupdate.sql – contains the FAIRupdate( ) procedure.
    2. FAIRshow.sql – contains the FAIRshow( ) procedure.
  • VBS scripts for generating PL/SQL scripts to call the aforementioned stored procedures to update and show the FAIR XML for specified patients in the i2b2 DB
    1. FAIRxls2sqls.vbs – takes an XLS input file that contains the patient FAIR data.
    2. FAIRcsv2sqls.vbs - takes a CSV input file that contains the patient FAIR data.


  1. Navigate to the "Specify Data" tab; then, drag and drop a desired Patient Set and one or more Concepts onto the input boxes provided.
  2. Click the "Select Subjects" tab to view the patients and their FAIR members.
  3. Select appropriate subjects for tracing the selected Concepts ("concept_cd") in the "related" individuals.
  4. Click the "View Results" tab to view the tabulated results.
  5. Optionally click the appropriate button to export the tabulated data into an Excel spreadsheet file and / or a CSV file conveniently.
  6. Optionally repeat steps 3-4 (or 3-5) to select different subjects and FAIRs for additional / different Concept tracingWith these tools, a DBA simply need to do the following when it is necessary to input / update patient
    FAIR data into the i2b2 DB:
    1. Run FAIRupdate.sql and FAIRshow.sql scripts on the i2b2 DB (e.g. via the Oracle APEX GUI)
    to load / store the two procedures (note that this only needs to be done once).
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    UMASS Medical School | The FAIR DBA Toolset 6
    2. Compile the patient FAIR data into either an Excel spreadsheet (XLS) file or a comma-separatedvalues
    (CSV) file.
    3. Run either FAIRxls2sqls.vbs or FAIRcsv2sqls.vbs against the XLS or CSV FAIR data file,
    respectively, to generate the resulting "FAIRxml-updates.sql" and "FAIRxml-shows.sql" (note:
    name of each generated file to be specified by the user as part of the invocation of either VBS
    utility) script files.
    4. Run the "FAIRxml-updates.sql" script on the i2b2 DB (e.g. via the Oracle APEX GUI) to input /
    update the patient FAIR data accordingly.
    5. Optionally run the "FAIRxml- shows.sql" script on the i2b2 DB (e.g. via the Oracle APEX GUI)
    to display the latest patient FAIR data accordingly.



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Familial, Associational, & Incidental Relationships (FAIR) Initiative. FAIR