Note that each downloadable kit contains its own "installation document", for easy reference.
Please don't hesitate to contact us regarding any questions, problems, feedbacks, or suggestions for improvements.
_S._ _Wayne_ _Chan,_ _MSEE,_ _MSME_ Biomedical Research Informatics Development Group (BRIDG) and Biomedical Research Informatics Consultation & Knowledge Service (BRICKS), Division of Health Informatics & Implementation Science (HIIS),
Department of Quantitaive Health Sciences (QHS), University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) at Worcester, MA 01655 (508) 856?8947
From:Mark Yin <Mark.Yin.einstein.yu>
Sent:Friday, April 06, 2012 11:19 AM
To:Peter Beninato; Darren W Henderson; i2b2 AUG Members
Cc:Mark Yin
Subject:RE: i2b2 PM install issue
I still can't get it working.
Could you clarify this step for me:
domain: have this parameter match the value in i2b2pm.pm_hive_data.domain_name
Thank you\! Mark Yin, Ph.D.
System Director, Research Informatics Core (RIC)
Einstein?Montefiore Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR)
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Ave, Mazer Bldg., Rm 530
Bronx, NY 10461
(718) 430?2946 -- mark.yin.einstein.yu
From: Peter Beninato \[beninato.ohsu\]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 4:48 PM
To: Mark Yin; Darren W Henderson; i2b2 AUG Members
Subject: RE: i2b2 PM install issue
Below are the steps to get the ADMIN site available via the thinclient. Please note that some of the scripting (sql) is geared for Oracle, but easily modified.
Please consider modifying the code for future editions so others won't have to struggle with this. For instance, the INSERT does not exist in:
i2b2\v1_6_02\i2b2createdb-1602\edu.harvard.i2b2.data\Release_1-6\NewInstall\Pmdata\scripts or
Also the project_management_installation_guide.pdf should probably be edited too.
The steps to get the ADMIN site via the thinclient is as follows:
2) Edit the file: i2b2\v1_6_02\i2b2core-src-1602\src\admin\i2b2_config_data.js (before deployment or the same file under the apache server after deployment) for the parameters: domain, name, urlCellPM
Step 1(code):
); Commit;
domain: have this parameter match the value in i2b2pm.pm_hive_data.domain_name name: set this to "localhost"
ulrCellPM: [http://localhost:9090/i2b2/rest/PMService/
Below is example admin/i2b2_config_data.js:
urlProxy: "index.php", urlFramework: "js-i2b2/",
lstDomains: \[
\{ domain: "i2b2demo", name: "localhost",
urlCellPM: "http://localhost:9090/i2b2/rest/PMService/", allowAnalysis: false,
adminOnly: true, debug: true
Peter Beninato -- OCTRI DW Developer
From: Mark Yin \[Mark.Yin.einstein.yu\]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 1:44 PM
To: Peter Beninato; Darren W Henderson; i2b2 AUG Members
Cc: Mark Yin
Subject: i2b2 PM install issue
While I followed the documentation to install PM, I was asked to get on PM admin page, i.e., [http://server1.com/admin/default.htm
The default user i2b2 and default password demouser. The loin gives me that "Requires ADMIN role, please contact system administrator."
I did not see the documentation on where the password was set up. Anyone can help? Thank you\!
Mark Yin, Ph.D.
System Director, Research Informatics Core (RIC)
Einstein?Montefiore Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR) Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Ave, Mazer Bldg., Rm 530
Bronx, NY 10461
(718) 430?2946 -- mark.yin.einstein.yu
From:Peter Beninato <beninato.ohsu>
Sent:Wednesday, April 04, 2012 11:04 AM
To:Darren W Henderson; i2b2 AUG Members
Subject:RE: Can anyone else replicate this error?
I could duplicate behavior.
From: dwhend0.gmail \[dwhend0.gmail\] On Behalf Of Darren W Henderson
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 7:19 AM
To: i2b2 AUG Members
Subject: Can anyone else replicate this error?
We think we discovered an error. We have also tried this on the web demo at i2b2.org and also see an error result.
To replicate can anyone try their respective clients with a query that has:
Multiple panels
Same Encounter Timing
One panel is an exclude that also has an occurs constraint > 1 (or any number > 0 really)
We get an error, and the generated SQL appears to lack its group by clause prior to the having <concatenated fields> predicate:
insert into stock_i2b2data.dbo.#global_temp_table ( encounter_num, patient_num , panel_count) select encounter_num, patient_num ,1 as panel_count from ( select /*\+ index(observation_fact fact_cnpt_pat_enct_idx) \*/ encounter_num, patient_num from stock_i2b2data.dbo.observation_fact
where concept_cd IN (select concept_cd from stock_i2b2data.dbo.concept_dimension where concept_path LIKE '\i2b2\Diagnoses\DISEASES AND INJURIES\INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES\OTHER BACTERIAL DISEASES\Diphtheria\Faucial diphtheria\%diphtheria%') group by encounter_num , patient_num ) t
update stock_i2b2data.dbo.#global_temp_table set panel_count = 2 where
stock_i2b2data.dbo.#global_temp_table.panel_count = 1
update stock_i2b2data.dbo.#global_temp_table set panel_count = \-1 where stock_i2b2data.dbo.#global_temp_table.panel_count = 2
and exists ( select 1 as panel_count
from ( select /*\+ index(observation_fact fact_cnpt_pat_enct_idx) \*/ encounter_num, patient_num from stock_i2b2data.dbo.observation_fact
where concept_cd IN /*<CONCEPT SUBQUERY>*/
having count( distinct cast(patient_num as varchar) + '\|' + cast(encounter_num as varchar) + '\|' + provider_id +
'\|' + cast(start_date as varchar) + '\|' + cast(instance_num as varchar) + '\|' \+concept_cd) >= 2 ) t
where stock_i2b2data.dbo.#global_temp_table.patient_num = t.patient_num and stock_i2b2data.dbo.#global_temp_table.encounter_num = t.encounter_num
group by encounter_num , patient_num )
insert into stock_i2b2data.dbo.#dx ( patient_num , encounter_num ) select * from ( select distinct patient_num , encounter_num from stock_i2b2data.dbo.#global_temp_table where panel_count = 2 ) q
Darren W. Henderson
University of Kentucky
Division for Biomedical Informatics
Bio-Pharmacy Complex Rm182
789 S Limestone Lexington, KY 40511 (859) 323-7146
(859) 967-4914
From:Russ Waitman <rwaitman.kumc>
Sent:Tuesday, April 03, 2012 6:52 PM
To:i2b2 AUG Members; Brian Ostasiewski
Cc:BKelly.fusionio; <George Harrison; <Joel Grace
Subject:RE: I2B2 webserver
Glad to hear the fusionio cards are working for you too. Always nice to move a software problem to a hardware solution.
We've still go our staging database on old drives so our main improvement has been in queries. Some times things take longer than I think they should but I want to probably approach this methodically as opposed to randomly investigate individual queries.
Russ Waitman
Director of Medical Informatics
Associate Professor, Department of Biostatistics Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enterprise Analytics University of Kansas Medical Center
913-945-7087 rwaitman.kumc
Brian Ostasiewski <bostasie.wakehealth.edu> 4/3/2012 8:32 AM
Just wanted to reply to this chain of emails -- we recently finished an upgrade of our main i2b2 database and staging database to the Fusion IO SSD drives and saw a 20x increase in our ETL processing speed (when you're talking about something that took days, this is huge). We also saw a similarly large improvement in i2b2 query speed, particularly with very complex queries -- ones that involved dimensional queries and date constraints. Some of these went from taking hours to complete to taking under an hour; most routine queries are seconds. We're on 1.6 and have 730 million facts in our database.
From: Chanchai McDonald \[cmcdon12.uthsc\]
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2011 10:08 AM
To: Russ Waitman
Cc: Parth Divekar; Dan Connolly; petrucm.health.missouri.edu; i2b2 AUG Members; mmendis.partners
Subject: Re: I2B2 webserver
I will running into the same issue as yours since the team plan to operates to having our researchers
using i2b2 for their research questions and explore the hypothesis.
Thank you. I am interested to talk to you more about this issue.
On Nov 18, 2011, at 8:56 AM, Russ Waitman wrote:
Chanchai and all,
I suppose it all depends on your definition of "acceptable", how big your audience of simultaneous users will be, and knowing if 1.6 really boosts performance.
We have ~ half a billion facts on 250,000 to 500,000 people depending on what you're looking for. We're running 1.4.
Prior to the fusionio cards, we'd have queries which would never return data. I'd set a lab threshold like potassium < 3.5 and loop diuretic medicaiton exposure: not even sophisticated queries. It was embarrassing. I had to do puppet shows on projector when I was demoing things. We also noticed that on local SAS storage, we were completely disk bound such that one user was consuming all disk utilization.
Now one user typically runs less than 10% disk utilization which means we can support simultaneous queries. That's important because when we hold classes we've had 6-8 people hitting "run query" at the same time. Simple queries resolve in less than 20 seconds. Still, we hit spots where queries can take
over 40 seconds but I am hoping improved performance with 1.6 will help.
For me, I think you want the system to be pretty responsive so that people can really do hypothesis exploration and not get frustrated. Based on my experience running CPOE, clinicians and researchers (and I) are inherently impatient so anything over 15 or 20 seconds is not great. But when they realize what the computer is doing for them, I suppose you can take a sip of coffee during the delay. If it gets over 60 seconds or hangs up on a simple query, they will think it's broken.
We're now getting to the point where people are beginning to use i2b2 for real research questions (4-10 groups, labs, diagnoses, flowsheet data, demographics multiple occurrence thresholds, over 20 exclusion criteria). Those larger queries are running over 20 seconds and in some cases still take a long time to resolve. one example I just did has 3 groups: first with 25 items, second with 45 exclusion concepts, and third with over 100: query takes 154 seconds. But, I am fairly sure these may have taken forever without the memory cards or we'd spend a ton of hours learning how to configure Oracle. Actually, it often takes longer for them to reload in the web client from the shared folder than it takes to actually run the query.
I've always worried that a conventional relational database like Oracle or SqlServer would choke on big data compared to other
DBs like column stores but that was just based on academic reading. But I think the cards allowed us to use off the shelf oracle and move on to the fun stuff instead of spending our time loading interesting data.
Russ Waitman
Associate Professor
Director of Medical Informatics Department of Biostatistics University of Kansas Medical Center
913-945-7087 rwaitman.kumc [http://informatics.kumc
"Parth Divekar" <Parth.Divekar.cchmc> 11/18/2011 7:02 AM
Whether you need SSD or not will depend upon amount of data and number of users accessing data. We have SSD for ETL but not for application database.
We are currently porting in excess of 50 mill rows in fact table and the performance is acceptable.
We have tuned our database for memory and have made some changes in the query that gets executed when you hit "run query from application.
FYI: we are using Oracle 11gR2.
Parth Divekar
Database Administrator II
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Ph: - 513-636-1004 (O)
Chanchai McDonald <cmcdon12.uthsc> 11/17/2011 6:25 PM
We concern if the Database storage really requires using Solid state Storage (Fusion-io Cards). We do not currently use/have this type of storage. Will it impact performance adversely if we won't use it?
Chanchai Singhanayok McDonald, Ph.D. Director Biomedical Informatics
The Office of Research, UTHSC
910 Madison Building Suite 620
Telephone: (901) 448-2088
On Jul 20, 2011, at 3:17 PM, Dan Connolly wrote:
Mike answered the specific question about threading, but if your question is really "will end users see a speed difference if I give the hive more CPUs/cores?" then I'd say:
I doubt it; I suspect the rate-limiting-factor is the database.
We've tried various approaches to improve performance.
For many queries, the biggest performance impact comes from giving more
RAM to the oracle database server (I think we're giving Oracle 12GB of SGA and 6GB of PGA; we have more RAM on the server, but we're juggling various Oracle instances, so we haven't given any one of them much more than that).
But since the observation_fact table is too big for RAM (even the indexes are too big), we just recently deployed solid state storage (fusion-io cards).
On Wed, 2011-07-20 at 14:46 \-0400, Mike Mendis wrote:
Yes it is multithreaded and multiple cores/cpu will increase the performance. Make sure the OS and java is configured to handle it.
On 7/20/11 2:40 PM, "Marius Petruc" <petrucm.health.missouri> wrote:
do you know if the i2b2 hive is multithreaded? assuming 10 concurrent users, will a multi core/multi cpu system provide a significant performance increase (i.e. faster response time) than a single CPU system?
thanks a lot
Marius Petruc
From:Mark Yin <Mark.Yin.einstein.yu>
Sent:Tuesday, April 03, 2012 12:50 PM
To:i2b2 AUG Members
Cc:Mark Yin
Subject:i2b2 question
Anyone can provide any suggestions? Thank you\!
We are in the process of deployment of i2b2. Here are technical some questions need to have help from you. Who should we contact? Thank you\!
The question is that we installed PM without any problem, but when we launch the website for the service link, we get [http://informatics36.aecom.yu.edu:9090/i2b2/services/listServices
looks ok, but when we click any link, we got error, i.e.,
http:// informatics36.aecom.yu.edu:9090/i2b2/services/PMService
<soapenv:Fault xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
I can not find a service for this request to be serviced. Check the WSDL and the request URI; nested exception is: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: I can not find a service for this request to be serviced. Check the WSDL and the request URI
Mark Yin, Ph.D.
System Director, Research Informatics Core (RIC)
Einstein?Montefiore Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR) Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Ave, Mazer Bldg., Rm 530
Bronx, NY 10461
(718) 430?2946 -- mark.yin.einstein.yu
From:Peter Beninato <beninato.ohsu>
Sent:Tuesday, April 03, 2012 12:32 PM
To:Peter Beninato; Mendis, Michael E. Cc:i2b2 AUG Members
Subject:RE: i2b2 - v1.6.03 - Webclient - occurs
This is curious. So problem is not related to default.htm.
The problem is related to .../weclient/js?i2b2/i2b2_loader.js
Our plugin strategy is fluctuating, before we allowed Demographics( Dem1set).
My approach this version is at this time to comment out all the plugins, but I left the PLUGINMGR. The edits to i2b2_loader.js is what is preventing the Occurs pop?up...
I wratched it up a level, and commented out PLUGINMGR, but still no occurs pop?up. So, then I reverted to v1.4 approach, include only one plug?in, but still no pop?up.
To recap, no Occurs pop?up happens when:
1) Comment out all plugins, but leave Pluginmgr
2) Comment out all plugins, and comment out Pluginmgr
3) Comment out **some*\* plugins, leaving Dem1Set and Pluginmgr
I have reverted to original i2b2_loader.js.
It is unclear to me why when this file is edited, it breaks the occurs pop?up. FYI.
From: Peter Beninato \[beninato.ohsu\] Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 8:01 AM
To: Mendis, Michael E.
Cc: i2b2 AUG Members
Subject: RE: i2b2 ? v1.6.03 ? Webclient ? occurs
Thanks for the suggestion.
I did a full replace of the webclient and occurs functionality works.
So far, I have restored my "Less than 10" edits, and still get the Occurs window, so that was not the problem.
I have a few more mods to reintroduce, several on default.htm, which if I fat?fingered a comment clause or something, though I did not see anything when I checked, may have introduced the issue.
I hope to identify the mod that is causing the problem and correct.
From: Mendis, Michael E. \[MMENDIS.PARTNERS\]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 7:15 AM
To: Peter Beninato
Cc: i2b2 AUG Members
Subject: Re: i2b2 ? v1.6.03 ? Webclient ? occurs
Can we try a clean webclient 1.6.03 and see if the occurs popup does not occur on your environment
On Apr 2, 2012, at 5:30 PM, Peter Beninato wrote:
Ok... took my own advice, and compared what is on demo site, and the query panel controller matches.
From: Peter Beninato
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 2:11 PM
To: Peter Beninato; 'Mendis, Michael E.'
Cc: 'i2b2 AUG Members'
Subject: RE: i2b2 ? v1.6.03 ? Webclient ? occurs
I tried to send email with the CRC_ctrlr_QryPanel.js attached, but I think it may not have gotten beyond the Great Firewall.
To recap:
1) I could hit the demo site, and the occurs window pops up.
2) I'm on version 11.0 of Firefox.
3) Below is version of showOccurs() that is in Query Panel controller. Can someone check to see if it matches what they are running?
this.showOccurs = function(iMinCount) \{
if (i2b2.CRC.model.queryCurrent.panels.length==0) \{ return;\}
var dm = i2b2.CRC.model.queryCurrent.panels\[this.panelCurrentIndex\];
if (undefined\!==dm) \{
if (i2b2.CRC.ctrlr.QT.queryTiming == "ENCOUNTER")
\} else \{
// load value
$('constraintOccursInput').value = dm.occurs;
// prep variables for JS closure
var qpi = this.panelCurrentIndex;
var cpc = this;
// show occurs window
if (\!Object.isUndefined(this.modalOccurs)) \{ delete this.modalOccurs; \}
if (\!this.modalOccurs) \{
if (\!Object.isUndefined(handleSubmit)) \{ delete handleSubmit; \}
//init slider
var slider,
bg="slider?bg", thumb="slider?thumb",
valuearea="slider?value", textfield="slider?converted?value";
// The slider can move 0 pixels up
var topConstraint = 0;
// The slider can move 200 pixels down
var bottomConstraint = 200;
// Custom scale factor for converting the pixel offset into a real value
var scaleFactor = 2;
// The amount the slider moves when the value is changed with the arrow
// keys
var keyIncrement = 10;
var tickSize = 10;
Event.onDOMReady(function() \{
slider = YAHOO.widget.Slider.getHorizSlider(bg,
thumb, topConstraint, bottomConstraint);
// Sliders with ticks can be animated without YAHOO.util.Anim
slider.animate = true;
slider.setValue(dm.relevance * 2);
slider.getRealValue = function() \{
return Math.round(this.getValue() / scaleFactor);
slider.subscribe("change", function(offsetFromStart) \{
var valnode = Dom.get(valuearea);
// Display the pixel value of the control
valnode.innerHTML = slider.getRealValue()// offsetFromStart ;
// slider.getRealValue();
//var fld = Dom.get(textfield);
Event.on(textfield, "keydown", function(e) \{
// set the value when the 'return' key is detected
if (Event.getCharCode(e) === 13) \{
var v = parseFloat(this.value, 10);
v = (lang.isNumber(v)) ? v : 0;
// convert the real value into a pixel offset
// Use setValue to reset the value to white:
Event.on("putval", "click", function(e) \{
slider.setValue(100, false); //false here means to animate if possible
var handleSubmit = function()\{
var closure_qpi = qpi;
var closure_cpc = cpc;
// submit value(s)
if (this.submit()) \{
var pd = i2b2.CRC.model.queryCurrent.panels\[closure_qpi\];
pd.occurs = parseInt($('constraintOccursInput').value, 10);
pd.relevance = slider.getRealValue();
i2b2.CRC.ctrlr.QT.doSetQueryName.call(this, '');
var handleCancel = function()\{
var handleHelp = function()\{
alert("Help soon");
this.modalOccurs = new YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog("constraintOccurs", \{
width: "400px",
fixedcenter: true,
constraintoviewport: true,
modal: true,
zindex: 700,
buttons: \[\{
text: "OK",
handler: handleSubmit,
isDefault: true
\}, \{
text: "Cancel",
handler: handleCancel
this.modalOccurs.validate = function()\{
// now process the form data
var t = parseInt($('constraintOccursInput').value, 10);
if (isNaN(t)) \{
alert('The number you entered could not be understood.\nPlease make sure that you entered a valid number.');
return false;
if (t > 19) \{
alert('The number you entered was too large.\nThe maximum number you can enter is 19.');
return false;
if (t < 0) \{
alert('The number you entered was too small.\nThe minimum number you can enter is 0.');
return false;
return true;
//this.modalOccurs.visible = true;
From: Peter Beninato
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 12:22 PM
To: 'Mendis, Michael E.'
Cc: members.i2b2aug
Subject: RE: i2b2 ? v1.6.03 ? Webclient ? occurs
I hit the demo site, and occurs worked. I'm on Firefox 11.0.
Attached find my local version of the QryPanel controller.
I can revert to original .js files (w/o Less than 10 mods), if that seems like a worthwhile experiment.
From: Mendis, Michael E. \[MMENDIS.PARTNERS\]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 11:59 AM
To: Peter Beninato
Cc: members.i2b2aug
Subject: Re: i2b2 ? v1.6.03 ? Webclient ? occurs
can you try it against the i2b2 demo site: [http://webservices.i2b2.org/webclient/] and see if has the same results. Also which firefox version are you using?
On Apr 2, 2012, at 2:33 PM, Peter Beninato wrote:
I'm on Firefox. When I turn on web developer it complains the onDOMReady is not a function. I see that code in showOccurs(), but not sure how to correct...
\[11:04:48.896\] Event.onDOMReady is not a function .
From: Mendis, Michael E. \[MMENDIS.PARTNERS\]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 11:24 AM
To: Peter Beninato
Cc: members.i2b2aug
Subject: Re: i2b2 ? v1.6.03 ? Webclient ? occurs
I tried with firefox and ie on the i2b2 demosite and they both had a dialog appear for the occurances.
What browser are you using?
On Apr 2, 2012, at 12:41 PM, Peter Beninato wrote:
The occurs functionality does not appear to work in v1.6.03.
When clicking on "Occurs", no other window pops up, In the lower left corner of the browser it says
Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
Has anyone developed a work?around?
Peter Beninato ? OCTRI DW Developer
Oregon Health & Science University
From:Bickel, Jonathan <Jonathan.Bickel.childrens.harvard>
Sent:Tuesday, April 03, 2012 11:59 AM
To:i2b2 AUG Members
Subject:ODM to i2b2
Dear i2b2 community. Children's Boston is proud to announce the publishing of an ODM? to i2b2 importer as an i2b2 related project.
The source files and instructions are located on the community wiki \[[
https://community.i2b2.org/wiki/display/ODM2i2b2/Home] \] .
With these files you are able to take an ODM XML document and process it into staging tables for loading into i2b2's ontology and CRC cells.
We have gone further to build a REDCAp to ODM loader which can help sites which are using REDcap as one of their EDC system.
Please don't hesitate to contact us with questions.
Jon Bickel
Jonathan Bickel M.D.
Director of Clinical Research Informatics Children¹s Hospital Boston
Work: 617.919.3565
Email: Jonathan.Bickel.childrens.harvard
From:Peter Beninato <beninato.ohsu>
Sent:Tuesday, April 03, 2012 11:01 AM
To:Mendis, Michael E.
Cc:i2b2 AUG Members
Subject:RE: i2b2 - v1.6.03 - Webclient - occurs
Thanks for the suggestion.
I did a full replace of the webclient and occurs functionality works.
So far, I have restored my "Less than 10" edits, and still get the Occurs window, so that was not the problem.
I have a few more mods to reintroduce, several on default.htm, which if I fat?fingered a comment clause or something, though I did not see anything when I checked, may have introduced the issue.
I hope to identify the mod that is causing the problem and correct.
From: Mendis, Michael E. \[MMENDIS.PARTNERS\] Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 7:15 AM
To: Peter Beninato
Cc: i2b2 AUG Members
Subject: Re: i2b2 ? v1.6.03 ? Webclient ? occurs
Can we try a clean webclient 1.6.03 and see if the occurs popup does not occur on your environment
On Apr 2, 2012, at 5:30 PM, Peter Beninato wrote:
Ok... took my own advice, and compared what is on demo site, and the query panel controller matches.
From: Peter Beninato
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 2:11 PM
To: Peter Beninato; 'Mendis, Michael E.'
Cc: 'i2b2 AUG Members'
Subject: RE: i2b2 ? v1.6.03 ? Webclient ? occurs
I tried to send email with the CRC_ctrlr_QryPanel.js attached, but I think it may not have gotten beyond the Great Firewall.
To recap:
1) I could hit the demo site, and the occurs window pops up.
2) I'm on version 11.0 of Firefox.
3) Below is version of showOccurs() that is in Query Panel controller. Can someone check to see if it matches what they are running?
this.showOccurs = function(iMinCount) \{
if (i2b2.CRC.model.queryCurrent.panels.length==0) \{ return;\}
var dm = i2b2.CRC.model.queryCurrent.panels\[this.panelCurrentIndex\];
if (undefined\!==dm) \{
if (i2b2.CRC.ctrlr.QT.queryTiming == "ENCOUNTER")
\} else \{
// load value
$('constraintOccursInput').value = dm.occurs;
// prep variables for JS closure
var qpi = this.panelCurrentIndex;
var cpc = this;
// show occurs window
if (\!Object.isUndefined(this.modalOccurs)) \{ delete this.modalOccurs; \}
if (\!this.modalOccurs) \{
if (\!Object.isUndefined(handleSubmit)) \{ delete handleSubmit; \}
//init slider
var slider,
bg="slider?bg", thumb="slider?thumb",
valuearea="slider?value", textfield="slider?converted?value";
// The slider can move 0 pixels up
var topConstraint = 0;
// The slider can move 200 pixels down
var bottomConstraint = 200;
// Custom scale factor for converting the pixel offset into a real value
var scaleFactor = 2;
// The amount the slider moves when the value is changed with the arrow
// keys
var keyIncrement = 10;
var tickSize = 10;
Event.onDOMReady(function() \{
slider = YAHOO.widget.Slider.getHorizSlider(bg,
thumb, topConstraint, bottomConstraint);
// Sliders with ticks can be animated without YAHOO.util.Anim
slider.animate = true;
slider.setValue(dm.relevance * 2);
slider.getRealValue = function() \{
return Math.round(this.getValue() / scaleFactor);
slider.subscribe("change", function(offsetFromStart) \{
var valnode = Dom.get(valuearea);
// Display the pixel value of the control
valnode.innerHTML = slider.getRealValue()// offsetFromStart ;
// slider.getRealValue();
//var fld = Dom.get(textfield);
Event.on(textfield, "keydown", function(e) \{
// set the value when the 'return' key is detected
if (Event.getCharCode(e) === 13) \{
var v = parseFloat(this.value, 10);
v = (lang.i2Number(v)) ? v : 0;
// convert the real value into a pixel offset
? v : 0;
// convert the real value into a pixel offset
// Use setValue to reset the value to white:
Event.on("putval", "click", function(e)\{
slider.setValue(100,false); //false here meant to animate if
var handleSubmit = function()\{
var closure_qpi = qpi;
var closure_cpc = cpc;
// submit value(s)
if (this.submit()) \{
var pd = i2b2.CRC.model.queryCurrent.panels\[closure_qpi\];
pd.occurs = parseInt($('constraintOccursInput').value, 10);
pd.relevance = slider.getRealValue();
i2b2.CRC.ctrlr.QT.doSetQueryName.call(this, '');
var handleCancel = function()\{
var handleHelp = function()\{
alert("Help soon");
this.modalOccurs = new YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog("constraintOccurs", \{
width: "400px",
fixedcenter: true,
constraintoviewport: true,
modal: true,
zindex: 700,
buttons: \[\{
text: "OK",
handler: handleSubmit,
isDefault: true
\}, \{
text: "Cancel",
handler: handleCancel
this.modalOccurs.validate = function()\{
// now process the form data
var t = parseInt($('constraintOccursInput').value, 10);
if (isNaN(t)) \{
alert('The number you entered could not be understood.\nPlease make sure that you entered a valid number.');
return false;
if (t > 19) \{
alert('The number you entered was too large.\nThe maximum number you can enter is 19.');
return false;
if (t < 0) \{
alert('The number you entered was too small.\nThe minimum number you can enter is 0.');
return false;
return true;
//this.modalOccurs.visible = true;
From: Peter Beninato
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 12:22 PM
To: 'Mendis, Michael E.'
Cc: members.i2b2aug
Subject: RE: i2b2 ? v1.6.03 ? Webclient ? occurs
I hit the demo site, and occurs worked. I'm on Firefox 11.0.
Attached find my local version of the QryPanel controller.
I can revert to original .js files (w/o Less than 10 mods), if that seems like a worthwhile experiment.
From: Mendis, Michael E. \[MMENDIS.PARTNERS\]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 11:59 AM
To: Peter Beninato
Cc: members.i2b2aug
Subject: Re: i2b2 ? v1.6.03 ? Webclient ? occurs
can you try it against the i2b2 demo site: [http://webservices.i2b2.org/webclient/] and see if has the same results. Also which firefox version are you using?
On Apr 2, 2012, at 2:33 PM, Peter Beninato wrote:
I'm on Firefox. When I turn on web developer it complains the onDOMReady is not a function. I see that code in showOccurs(), but not sure how to correct...
\[11:04:48.896\] Event.onDOMReady is not a function @ [https://localhost:9000/webclient/js]?i2b2/cells/CRC/CRC_ctrlr_QryPanel
From: Mendis, Michael E. \[MMENDIS.PARTNERS\]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 11:24 AM
To: Peter Beninato
Cc: members.i2b2aug
Subject: Re: i2b2 ? v1.6.03 ? Webclient ? occurs
I tried with firefox and ie on the i2b2 demosite and they both had a dialog appear for the occurances.
What browser are you using?
On Apr 2, 2012, at 12:41 PM, Peter Beninato wrote:
The occurs functionality does not appear to work in v1.6.03.
When clicking on "Occurs", no other window pops up, In the lower left corner of the browser it says
Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
Has anyone developed a work?around?
Peter Beninato ? OCTRI DW Developer
Oregon Health & Science University
From:Mauro Bucalo <mauro.bucalo.gmail>
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 10:00 AM
To: i2b2 AUG Members members
Subject: wizard 1.3.6 problem
Hi all, has anyone tried to use the last wizard release(1.3.6)?
I downloaded and installed all the necessary in a fresh 10.04.4 ubuntu.
When i go to the menu "Hive Task" and select "Load I2B2PM and I2B2HIVE" this is what happens:
Thanks in advance. Mauro.
Ing. Mauro Bucalo, Ext. Collaborator Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica Universita' di Pavia
Via Ferrata 1, 27100 Pavia, Italy tel:++39.0382.985981
e-mail: mauro.bucalo.gmail
web-page: [http://it.linkedin.com/in/maurobucalo
From: McDonald, Chanchai Singhanayok <cmcdon12.uthsc>
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 9:56 AM
To: Brian Ostasiewski
Cc: i2b2 AUG Members
Subject: Re: I2B2 webserver
This is a good news for us. We are in the middle of the project to have EHR migrate to the system soon. I will keep all up to date of how it works.
On Apr 3, 2012, at 8:32 AM, Brian Ostasiewski wrote:
Just wanted to reply to this chain of emails -- we recently finished an upgrade of our main i2b2 database and staging database to the Fusion IO SSD drives and saw a 20x increase in our ETL processing speed (when you're talking about something that took days, this is huge). We also saw a similarly large improvement in i2b2 query speed, particularly with very complex queries -- ones that involved dimensional queries and date constraints. Some of these went from taking hours to complete to taking under an hour; most routine queries are seconds. We're on 1.6 and have 730 million facts in our database.
From: Chanchai McDonald \[cmcdon12.uthsc\]
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2011 10:08 AM
To: Russ Waitman
Cc: Parth Divekar; Dan Connolly; petrucm.health.missouri; i2b2 AUG Members; mmendis.partners
Subject: Re: I2B2 webserver
I will running into the same issue as yours since the team plan to operates to having our researchers using i2b2 for their research questions and explore the hypothesis.
Thank you. I am interested to talk to you more about this issue. Chanchai
On Nov 18, 2011, at 8:56 AM, Russ Waitman wrote:
Chanchai and all,
I suppose it all depends on your definition of "acceptable", how big your audience of simultaneous users will be, and knowing if 1.6 really boosts performance.
We have ~ half a billion facts on 250,000 to 500,000 people depending on what you're looking for. We're running 1.4. Prior to the fusionio cards, we'd have queries which would never return data. I'd set a lab threshold like potassium <3.5 and loop diuretic medicaiton exposure: not even sophisticated queries. It was embarrassing. I had to do puppet shows on projector when I was demoing things. We also noticed that on local SAS storage, we were completely disk bound such that one user was consuming all disk utilization.
Now one user typically runs less than 10% disk utilization which means we can support simultaneous queries. That's important because when we hold classes we've had 6-8 people hitting "run query" at the same time. Simple queries resolve in less than 20 seconds. Still, we hit spots where queries can take over 40 seconds but I am hoping improved performance with 1.6 will help.
For me, I think you want the system to be pretty responsive so that people can really do hypothesis exploration and not get frustrated. Based on my experience running CPOE, clinicians and researchers (and I) are inherently impatient so anything over 15 or 20 seconds is not great. But when they realize what the computer is doing for them, I suppose you can take a sip of coffee during the delay. If it gets over 60 seconds or hangs up on a simple query, they will think it's broken.
We're now getting to the point where people are beginning to use i2b2 for real research questions (4-10 groups, labs, diagnoses, flowsheet data, demographics multiple occurrence thresholds, over 20 exclusion criteria). Those larger queries are running over 20 seconds and in some cases still take a long time to resolve. one example I just did has 3 groups: first with 25 items, second with 45 exclusion concepts, and third with over 100: query takes 154 seconds. But, I am fairly sure these may have taken forever without the memory cards or we'd spend a ton of hours learning how to configure Oracle. Actually, it often takes longer for them to reload in the web client from the shared folder than it takes to actually run the query.
I've always worried that a conventional relational database like Oracle or SqlServer would choke on big data compared to other DBs like column stores but that was just based on academic reading. But I think the cards allowed us to use off the shelf oracle and move on to the fun stuff instead of spending our time loading interesting data.
Russ Waitman
Associate Professor
Director of Medical Informatics Department of Biostatistics University of Kansas Medical Center
rwaitman.kumc [http://informatics.kumc
"Parth Divekar" <Parth.Divekar.cchmc> 11/18/2011 7:02 AM
Whether you need SSD or not will depend upon amount of data and number of users accessing data. We have SSD for ETL but not for application database.
We are currently porting in excess of 50 mill rows in fact table and the performance is acceptable.
We have tuned our database for memory and have made some changes in the query that gets executed when you hit "run query from application.
FYI: we are using Oracle 11gR2.
Parth Divekar
Database Administrator II
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Ph: - 513-636-1004 (O)
Chanchai McDonald <cmcdon12.uthsc> 11/17/2011 6:25 PM
We concern if the Database storage really requires using Solid state Storage (Fusion-io Cards). We do not currently use/have this type of storage. Will it impact performance adversely if we won't use it?
Chanchai Singhanayok McDonald, Ph.D. Director Biomedical Informatics
The Office of Research, UTHSC
910 Madison Building Suite 620
Telephone: (901) 448-2088
On Jul 20, 2011, at 3:17 PM, Dan Connolly wrote:
Mike answered the specific question about threading, but
if your question is really "will end users see a speed difference if I give the hive more CPUs/cores?" then I'd say:
I doubt it; I suspect the rate-limiting-factor is the database.
We've tried various approaches to improve performance.
For many queries, the biggest performance impact comes from giving more
RAM to the oracle database server (I think we're giving Oracle 12GB of SGA and 6GB of PGA; we have more RAM on the server, but we're juggling various Oracle instances, so we haven't given any one of them much more than that).
But since the observation_fact table is too big for RAM (even the indexes are too big), we just recently deployed solid state storage (fusion-io cards).
On Wed, 2011-07-20 at 14:46 \-0400, Mike Mendis wrote:
Yes it is multithreaded and multiple cores/cpu will increase the performance. Make sure the OS and java is configured to handle it.
On 7/20/11 2:40 PM, "Marius Petruc" <petrucm.health.missouri> wrote:
do you know if the i2b2 hive is multithreaded? assuming 10 concurrent users, will a multi core/multi cpu system provide a significant performance increase (i.e. faster response time) than a single CPU system?
thanks a lot
Marius Petruc
From:Peter Beninato <beninato.ohsu>
Sent:Monday, April 02, 2012 4:14 PM
To:Peter Beninato; Mendis, Michael E. Cc:i2b2 AUG Members
Subject:RE: i2b2 - v1.6.03 - Webclient - occurs
I reverted to original .js for
CRC_ctrlr_QryPanel.js CRC_ctrlr_QryStatus.js CRC_ctrlr_QryTool.js CRC_sdx_QI.js
But still get error regarding onDOMReady is not a function. Fyi.
From: Peter Beninato
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 12:22 PM
To: 'Mendis, Michael E.'
Cc: i2b2 AUG Members
Subject: RE: i2b2 ? v1.6.03 ? Webclient ? occurs
I hit the demo site, and occurs worked. I'm on Firefox 11.0. Attached find my local version of the QryPanel controller.
I can revert to original .js files (w/o Less than 10 mods), if that seems like a worthwhile experiment.
From: Mendis, Michael E. \[MMENDIS.PARTNERS\]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 11:59 AM
To: Peter Beninato
Cc: i2b2 AUG Members
Subject: Re: i2b2 ? v1.6.03 ? Webclient ? occurs
can you try it against the i2b2 demo site: [http://webservices.i2b2.org/webclient/] and see if has the same results. Also which firefox version are you using?
On Apr 2, 2012, at 2:33 PM, Peter Beninato wrote:
I'm on Firefox. When I turn on web developer it complains the onDOMReady is not a function. I see that code in showOccurs(), but not sure how to correct...
\[11:04:48.896\] Event.onDOMReady is not a function @
From: Mendis, Michael E. \[MMENDIS.PARTNERS\]
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 11:24 AM
To: Peter Beninato
Cc: members.i2b2aug
Subject: Re: i2b2 ? v1.6.03 ? Webclient ? occurs
I tried with firefox and ie on the i2b2 demosite and they both had a dialog appear for the occurances.
What browser are you using?
On Apr 2, 2012, at 12:41 PM, Peter Beninato wrote:
The occurs functionality does not appear to work in v1.6.03.
When clicking on "Occurs", no other window pops up, In the lower left corner of the browser it says
Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
Has anyone developed a work?around?
Peter Beninato ? OCTRI DW Developer
Oregon Health & Science University
From:Peter Beninato <beninato.ohsu>
Sent:Monday, April 02, 2012 2:40 PM
To:Darren W Henderson
Cc:Mendis, Michael E.; i2b2 AUG Members
Subject:RE: i2b2 - v1.6.03 - Webclient - occurs
The QueryPanel controller was untouched as part of "Less than 10" work, that work involved the following: CRC_ctrlr_QryStatus.js
Not sure, how that would impact this?
From: dwhend0.gmail.com \[dwhend0.gmail\] On Behalf Of Darren W Henderson
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 11:37 AM
To: Peter Beninato
Cc: Mendis, Michael E.; members.i2b2aug
Subject: Re: i2b2 - v1.6.03 - Webclient - occurs
Hmmm. Did you consider that you modified that javascript file in your work related to the <10 issue you posted to the group last week? Have you confirmed that you have not inadvertently commented out or deleted the function required for the occurs feature, or at the least introduced a syntax error?
On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Peter Beninato <beninato.ohsu> wrote:
I'm on Firefox. When I turn on web developer it complains the onDOMReady is not a function. I see that code in showOccurs(), but not sure how to correct...
\[11:04:48.896\] Event.onDOMReady is not a function @ [https://localhost:9000/webclient/js\-|https://localhost:9000/webclient/js-] i2b2/cells/CRC/CRC_ctrlr_QryPanel.js:225
From: Mendis, Michael E. \[MMENDIS.PARTNERS.ORG\] Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 11:24 AM
To: Peter Beninato
Cc: members.i2b2aug
Subject: Re: i2b2 - v1.6.03 - Webclient - occurs
I tried with firefox and ie on the i2b2 demosite and they both had a dialog appear for the occurances. What browser are you using?
thanks mike
On Apr 2, 2012, at 12:41 PM, Peter Beninato wrote:
The occurs functionality does not appear to work in v1.6.03.
When clicking on "Occurs", no other window pops up, In the lower left corner of the browser it says "javascript:i2b2.CRC.ctrlr.QT.panelcontrollers\[1\].showOccurs(). Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
Has anyone developed a work-around?
Peter Beninato = OCTRI DW Developer
Oregon Health & Science University
503-494-9985 beninato.ohsu<mailtoohsu<[mailto:beninato.ohsu>ohsu]>
From:dwhend0.gmail on behalf of Darren W Henderson <darren.henderson.uky>
Sent:Monday, April 02, 2012 2:26 PM
To:Mendis, Michael E.
Cc:Peter Beninato; i2b2 AUG Members
Subject:Re: i2b2 - v1.6.03 - Webclient - occurs
I just attempted this in Chrome and it works fine as long as a concept has been added to the panel. On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Mendis, Michael E. <MMENDIS.partners> wrote:
I tried with firefox and ie on the i2b2 demosite and they both had a dialog appear for the occurances. What browser are you using?
thanks mike
On Apr 2, 2012, at 12:41 PM, Peter Beninato wrote: Hi,
The occurs functionality does not appear to work in v1.6.03.
When clicking on "Occurs", no other window pops up, In the lower left corner of the browser it says "javascript:i2b2.CRC.ctrlr.QT.panelcontrollers\[1\].showOccurs(). Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
Has anyone developed a work-around?
Peter Beninato = OCTRI DW Developer
Oregon Health & Science University
503-494-9985 beninato.ohsu<mailtoohsu<[mailto:beninato.ohsu>ohsu]>
From:Daniele Segagni <daniele.segagni.fsm.it>
Sent:Monday, April 02, 2012 9:29 AM
To:i2b2 members
Subject:same instance num question
Hi all,
we have a question related to the possibility of making query using the same intance num constraint in version 1.6.03. Is this feature possible only using modifiers of the same concept or it is possible to use different concepts (even without modifiers)?
This question is linked to a behavior of the query tool published on the i2b2 live demo: we noted that if a query is made using concepts with no modifiers the same instance constraint in the temporal constraint level is not selectable, but you can only select this feature on each single concept you have dropped in the query tool panel. The query performed in this way always returns ERROR.
Any idea? Thank you all
Ing. Daniele Segagni
Laboratorio di Informatica e Sistemistica per la Ricerca Clinica
IRCCS Fondazione S.Maugeri, Pavia, Italy tel: \+39 0382 592038
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