Health Ontology Mapper
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Health Ontology Mapper HOM

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To reference this project please use:  Wynden R, Weiner MG, Sim I, Gabriel D, Casale M, Carini S, Hastings S, Ervin D, Tu S, Gennari J, Anderson N, Mobed K, Lakshminarayanan P, Massary M, Cucina R. Ontology mapping and data discovery for the translational investigator. Presented at the 2010 AMIA Summit on Clinical Research Informatics meeting, March 12-13 2010, San Francisco, CA.  You can read it HERE


HOM call weekly status: 11AM Pacific every Tuesday at: 800 794 6702  Passcode: 5071491#
ConferencePlus (passcode 5071491#)
(please note that the UETL subteam has joined this same con-call as well...)


Health Ontology Mapper HOM