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On the call: Rob, Alice, Bob, Vijay
Participants: Prakash, Peter, Vijay, Mark, Alice, Rob, Ketty
* Vijay is extracting EPIC data.
* Prakash completed running OSHPD maps for Northern California. Subsequently focusing on Southern California maps..
* Peter is working on the ETL process.
* UPenn is extracting EPIC data using UETL. Vijay to send updated code..
* Ketty is working on Southern California OSHPD maps.
On the call: Rob Wynden, Bob Hink, Prakash, Mark Weiner, Vijay, Ketty, Peter B., Hillari
1) Vijay loaded core EPIC tables (5 core ones for now). Loaded 3 tables on Test. Hillari wants the other 2 tables in Test also. We will load all 5-core tables into Test.
2) The SCP copy method is very slow and we are switching over to GridFTP now to improve performance. Jeff is transferring files and will run the load script.
3) Ketty working on more ontology development – Transplant, Cancer Registry, Demographics. Rob would like to see our LOINC work in motion now also.
4) Prakash just loaded OSHPD for 2005 northern California into i2b2. Looks very good. We also have ICD9 diagnosis codes loaded also. We also need to add CPT support. Also loading 2 additional years for OSHPD. Adding Ketty's new primary/secondary diagnosis ontology.
5) UPenn has now loaded obs fact from the Picard data warehouse. They hit a snag on terms that are not automatically made into a hierarchy. They need to see Ketty's work on BioPortal. Ketty to help Mark with arranging physician hierarchy as extension of UHC.
6) Peter has a new database server up now for all of their ETL processes. They are running within about 5 hours now. Working on presentation internally now for their rollout.
7) Diagnosis can be shown on the patients problem list and it's not necessarily shown on the encounter (just associated with the patient ID). That can make patient count matching challenging.
8) Bob on ProxyGen: migrating over to the Test environment now. He has a database set up for testing without messing with the production database. Adding encounter and composite key.
On the call: Rob, Ketty, Vijay, Alice, Prakash, Bob, Hillari