Health Ontology Mapper
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Health Ontology Mapper HOM

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On the call: Rob Wynden,Vijay Rayanker, Prakash, Ketty, Hillari, Bob, Peter, Mark, Alice

1) Prakash is working on load of EPIC data

2) Prakash got the maps done for OSHPD LA - there were some infrastructure issues after the load

3) UPenn is a bit on hold (Mark was on call last week).  They need to rerun the EPIC data using UETL.  Ketty would like to coordinate the detail data descriptions on BioPortal with UPenn. We want to do medications too.

4) Vijay working on EPIC demographics loading

5) Ketty working on finishing the Cancer ontology (ICD03) ontology.

6) Ketty fixing some mis-mappings for EPIC

7) Peter is providing a demo to the health informatics folks at OHSU (has been talking to Explorys at Cleveland Clinic)

8) OHSU has been having performance problems in i2b2 with dead people (age in years is left as null)

9) Bob has finished the ProxyGen pretty much (it's in test).  Just added docs for REST interface for Hillari



Participants: Rob Wynden, Mark, Alice, Ketty, Vijay, Bob, Hillari, Peter, Prakash


Health Ontology Mapper HOM