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Introduced in Core i2b2 Version 1.6

© Shawn Murphy 2010

In the 1.6 Release of i2b2 we introduce the idea of "Query Timing". Query Timing is a way of specifying co-occurring events. In the Query Timing used in the i2b2 User Interface up to this release, concepts were assumed to be co-occurring in the same patient. In 1.6, the idea gets extended to concepts that co-occur in one visit.


Wiki Markup
\[c_name\] = patients that had a visit when they were 40-45 years old
\[c_fullpath\] =
 encounter detail\ age at visit\ 40 -- 45 y/o
\[c_facttablecolumnname\]  = encounter_num
\[c_tablename\]  = visit_dimension
\[c_columnname\]  = start_date
\[c_operator\] = BETWEEN
\[c_dimcode\] =
((select birth_date from patient_dimension
where patient_num = visit_dimension.patient_num)
+ (365.25 * 40))
((select birth_date from patient_dimension
where patient_num = visit_dimension.patient_num)
+ (365.25 * 45))

© Shawn Murphy 2010

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