IDRT - Integrated Data Repository Toolkit
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IDRT - Integrated Data Repository Toolkit IDRT

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Comment: - Contributors

Contributors: Igor Engel, Thomas Ganslandt


The §21 dataset is a German benchmarking dataset mandated by the law on hospital reimbursement (Paragraph 21: "Übermittlung und Nutzung von Daten - des Gesetzes über die Entgelte für voll- und teilstationäre Krankenhausleistungen" (Krankenhausentgeltgesetz - KHEntgG)). It is primarily used to derive the German inpatient billing system based on Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) and has to be provided by every German hospital on a yearly basis. It is thus supported by all hospital patient administration and billing systems established in Germany. Due to its standardization and high availability, the §21 dataset has been established as a source dataset for benchmarking projects and other regional and national collaborations. It is thus also an ideal candidate for a "quick win" i2b2 implementation, as its format is well-structured and documented and it can be produced easily by any German hospital, rapidly providing a functional prototype with local data.




Truncate i2b2 Project?

If you check this, the project will be truncated before the data is uploaded.

Truncate Previous Queries?

This will truncate the previous queries tables.

Set patient_count after import

This will fill the c_totalnum column.

P21 Folder

Here you can select the folder that contains all P21 files you want to upload.

P21 Version

Here you can select the corresponding version for your P21 dataset.

Date Pattern

Select the date pattern used in the P21 Files.

Save Settings?

This will save the settings for the next import. Note: The truncate checkboxes are never saved.


IDRT - Integrated Data Repository Toolkit IDRT