IDRT - Integrated Data Repository Toolkit
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IDRT - Integrated Data Repository Toolkit IDRT

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The installation of Ubuntu Server is similar to the desktop edition, with two execptions. First, it does not automatically add the second (host-only) networking interface to the Linux configuration and the apt-sources for Java are missing. This can be fixed easily:

Adding the second networking interface


Create two primary partitions: create a 1.1 GB swap partition, and use the rest as Ext4 partition with mount point "/". Set the second one to "bootable".

Network setup

Modify /etc/network/interfaces. You should have two network interfaces (eth0 and eth1 where one is the NAT interface and the other one the vboxnet0 interface), but only one has been configured by the Ubuntu installer. Assuming eth1 is the vboxnet0 interface, the file should contain these contents:


Replace with your desired (static) IP address. After the modification, run "ifup eth1" to get the interface working.



an apt repository for Sun Java:

Add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list:

    deb Removed lucid partner


IDRT - Integrated Data Repository Toolkit IDRT