Virtual MachineFor quick evaluation, we provide a virtual machine (VM) containing the latest i2b2 build and all IDRT tools preconfigured with examples files. The VM needs VMware Player 7.1 (free for personal use) or VMware Workstation 11 or higher to run. It is preconfigured for using 4 GB RAM, 2 CPU cores and 50 GB hard drive space. If errors occur during start, you may want to adjust the resource settings. The VM is based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit operating system. After booting or rebooting the VM, i2b2 is already started as well as the IMT.
Info |
title | PostgreSQL Remote Access |
| If you want to access the postgreSQL database from outside the virtual machine, you have to edit the following files manually: - /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf and add the following line
- host all all 0 trust
- /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgres.conf and change
- listen_addresses='*'
- Restart postgreSQL by
- sudo service postgresql restart
Download: IDRT VM (6.4 GB) Passwords: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS username: idrt password: idrt Postgres 9.3.9 database: i2b2 username: postgres password: i2b2 i2b2 webclient username: idrt password: idrt Available i2b2 Projects: Project Database name | content |
IDRTDemoDataProject | All available demo data already loaded | IDRTEmptyDataProject | Empty project for testing the IDRT Import Tool with your own data | IDRTTargetProject1 | Derived project from IDRTDemoDataProject | IDRTTargetProject2 | Derived project from IDRTDemoDataProject |