Page History
This version of i2b2-Wizard features a SHRINE (Shared Health Research Information Network) installer that was integrated into i2b2-Wiazard as a part of the IRDT2 project. SHRINE is an add-on for i2b2 that allows running distributed queries. SHRINE basically acts as an i2b2 "proxy", which accepts incoming i2b2 queries and distributes them to other (typically external) i2b2 instances. Their results are then aggreagated aggregated by the SHRINE component and presented to the user in the SHRINE webclientWeb Client, which is very similar to the i2b2 webclientWeb Client, but capable of displaying the results, separated by site. More information on SHRINE can be found on
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The SHRINE installer is currently not working. We're trying hard to keep up with the the changes in the SHRINE SVN. However, changes in version branches (which should NOT change) make this almost impossible. Please come back here to see the status of the SHRINE integration in i2b2 Wizard. |
Then install SHRINE, simply by running "SHRINE => Install SRHINE". The installer will then guide you through the installation process. If this has not happend happened before, the tool will automatically install the selected i2b2 version and load the i2b2 Demo data, which is also used for the SHRINE demo project.