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In the IDRT project, a driver was developed to import biosample data from the Starlims STARLIMS Biorepository® by Abbott Informatics (tested with version 10.5 and 10.7).
In this section, the specific implementation for the Starlims® STARLIMS® driver is described. The driver was implemented on the Talend Open Studio platform in order to integrate with the other components of the IDRT toolkit. The driver creates CSV files for the full ontology and fact data generated from the source system, which is then imported using the standard IDRT CSV extractor. A driver for a different biosample management system only needs to implement the extration extraction and preparation of ontology and fact CSV files.
The storage hierarchy requires further processing for the "lower" levels to determine the parent/child relations and hierarchy level within the recursive part.
Starlims® STARLIMS® provides flexible metadata templates which can be designed to fit individual project needs (e.g. to collect additional information about sample quality or processing steps not covered by SPREC). Metadata templates can be defined separately for each project and material type and are versioned. Samples within one project thus may contain metadata from different templates or template versions. In addition to TOS standard components, a small dedicated Java program is needed to generate a consistent concept hierarchy of templates, versions, fields and values from the raw source data.