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You can download them from: If this version is no longer available, just pick the latest version. i2b2 Wizard is - hopefully - already compatible with the latest version. To get an overview of the supported i2b2 versions, unzip the i2b2 Wizard file you have just downloaded and have a look at the scripts/i2b2_version directory. This directory contains a script for each supported i2b2 version. If your i2b2 version is not included, it is possible to create a copy of the most similar available version script with the file name of your desired distribution. We will come to this later.
Now copy all files with SFTP to the Ubuntu machine. On Windows, you can use WinSCP (, on a Mac the program Cyberduck ( or the excellent MacFusion (
To connect to your virtual machine, use the "Host-Only-Adapter". The "Host-Only-Adapter" is the interface with the 192.168.56.*-IP. You can use the command *ifconfig* to find out the IP.
It is highly recommended to create a "snapshot" of your VirtualBox virtual machine before running the i2b2 Wizard.