Page History
Steps Completed
Pre-installation Requirements
i2b2 hivedata and pmdata tables were installed and loaded with the data provided in the standard i2b2 data file.
CDM tables were installed and loaded with the data from the SynPUF sample data file.
i2b2 tables reside in the same database / schema as your
i2b2CDM tables.
Data Installation
Created the crcdata tables, stored procedures and OMOP views.
Loaded the crcdata tables with the sample data provided in the i2b2-OMOP data package.
Created the metadata tables and loaded the sample data provided in the i2b2-OMOP data package.
Created the workdata tables and loaded the sample data provided in the i2b2-OMOP data package.
Next Steps
After completing the installation of the CRC, Ontology, and Workplace tables, the next step is to configure the i2b2 software to query
the OMOPmultiple fact tables. The procedures for this step are outlined in the Software Configuration section.
Next Steps