Space shortcuts
Space Tools
TimeAlign timealign

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In addition, distribution of events over time can be shown. Groups of patients can be created via filtering. Distribution of groups can be compared. All these features let investigators visualize and interact with the data, explore potentially interesting temporal relationships, formulate hypotheses, and hopefully discover new findings.

History and Lifelines2

i2b2's TimeAlign plugin originates from the Lifelines2 project in the Human-computer Interaction Lab in the University of Maryland at College Park. Lifelines2 was part of the doctoral dissertation from by Taowei David Wang, under the supervision of Ben Shneiderman and Catherine Plaisant. Taowei has since graduated and is now part of the broader i2b2 team, creating other plugins for the i2b2 platform.


Selected Publications for Lifelines2


Visit Lifelines2 for more papers and other related projects.



TimeAlign Getting Started video


Older LifeLines2 videos from HCIL





.mp4 (download size: 81.4MB)


.swf (view in browser, where Flash Player is required)


Run Time






Demonstrates how to
1. launch TimeAlign
2. create data via i2b2's query services
3. navigate around timeAlign's basic features


Scenario 1: Identifying potential patients with contrast-related nephropathy.

Scenario 2: Investigating heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.

TimeAlign timealign