Developers Getting Started With i2b2
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Developers Getting Started With i2b2 getstarted

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When The Error Message Was Received

Possible Problem(s)

Possible Solution(s)

Received when attempting to log into the i2b2 Web Client after installing i2b2 on a Linux machine

SElinux is enabled  which prevents access to the  application PHP files

  1. Allow SELinux access to the application files, run the following command as root user

sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1

2. Disable SELinux( recommended only in Dev env) :by any of the following options

  • Open the etc/selinux/config file
  • and  set the SELINUX mod to disabled.
  • Run sudo setenforce 0

Developers Getting Started With i2b2 getstarted