Info |
During the configuration process the working directory was already changed to the edu.harvard.i2b2.server-common folder. If you did not change it then you can skip step 1 and go directly to the second step of deployment. If you did change it then you will need to change it back by following the steps outlined below. |
Excerpt Include |
| 4.4 Configuration |
| 4.4 Configuration |
nopanel | true |
Step 2: Deploy edu.harvard.i2b2.server-common
The second and final step step in the deployment process is to run the Ant script to deploy build war file in edu.harvard.i2b2.server-common.
Panel |
borderColor | #ccc |
bgColor | #ffffff |
titleBGColor | #DDD9C3 |
borderStyle | solid |
title | Linux Run Command |
borderStyle | solid |
indent |
| ant clean dist deploy dist war jboss_pre_deployment_setup |
Panel |
borderColor | #ccc |
bgColor | #ffffff |
titleBGColor | #DDD9C3 |
borderStyle | solid |
title | Run Command | borderStyle | solid |
indent |
| %ANT_HOME%\bin\ant.bat clean dist deploy war jboss_pre_deployment_setup |
Provided there were no problems running the script you will see Build Successful when the script finishes and the edu.harvard.i2b2.server-common has been deployed.
Step 3: Deploy the war file in Wildfly
You will need to manually copy the war file from the dist folder to /opt/wildfly-VERSION-Final/standalone/deployments