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As stated earlier, the configuration attribute called lstDomains is an array containing one or more domain definition objects. The domain definition data object contains the following attributes for each data object.
Name | NullOptional | Type | Description |
domain | N | String | A short code used by the proxy server for the domain / group ID. |
name | N | String | A human-readable string containing the domain's name. This is visible to users when logging into the i2b2 Web Client. |
urlCellPM | N | String | The full path URL for the Project Management Cell. |
allowAnalysis | Y | Boolean | Defines whether or not the plug-in viewer is available to users. The plugin viewer is used to access the optional plug-ins (Analysis Tools). This setting will affect all users.
debug | Y | Boolean | Defines whether or not debugging messages are logged. (uses additional memory). |
registrationMethod | Y | String | NEW 1.7.13! Defines an information source for the new user registration tool. (If showRegistration is true, this parameter must be present.)
showRegistration | Y | Boolean | NEW 1.7.13! Determines whether a link to register new users appears.
loginType | N | String | NEW 1.7.13! Determines whether the local login screen or the SAML login screen appears. Parameter value is a required for the webclient to display the appropriate screens