In this chapter we will be reviewing the following requirements and providing the steps to install and configure additional software needed to support i2b2.
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1. Database Requirements |
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- Reviews the Database Management Systems supported by the i2b2 and any other requirements
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2. Browser Requirements |
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- Web browsers supported by the i2b2.
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3. i2b2 Server Requirements |
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- Outlines the required software from 3rd party vendors.
- Installation steps for installing the 3rd party software on your i2b2 Server.
- Recommended configuration settings for the 3rd party software.
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4. i2b2 Web Server Requirements |
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- Outlines the software that has to be installed on the Web Server that will host your i2b2 Administration Module and Web Client.
- Steps for installing the required software on either a Linux or Windows Server.
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- Accessing and downloading the required i2b2 software.