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Steps 1:
Set up a project as documented here:
- Project Setup: Create a project. In this step, you define a project path which will be used to reference the project later.
- When adding users to the project:
- Add the user AGG_SERVICE_ACCOUNT and assign it the role DATA_AGG.
- Add any regular users and assign them the role DATA_OBFSC
- When adding users to the project:
Step 2:
Update DB_Lookup tables to define the Wildfly XML datasource name for the project. Refer to 6.4.3 Cell DB-Lookup: for details.
Info |
For ONT_DB_LOOKUP and workplace_db_look up, c_project path does not have a beginning backslash |
Step 3:
Update DATASOURCE XML files IN WILDFLY IF NEEDED. The data source is defined in the ds-xml file with parameters to connect to the hive and data tables.
Info |
The pool-name parameter and the jndi-name value for the Bootstrap connection section should be set to constant value as CRCBootStrapDS The pool-name parameter and the jndi-name value for the db connection section should be set to the parameter DB_Lookup.C_DB_Data source value |
Step 4:
Load i2b2 tables into the database(s) used for the project as needed, making sure to update db properties file with the db parameters (e.g., 3.4 Crcdata Tables, 3.7.4 Load Metadata Tables). For example, you might specify an existing database in the ontology db-lookup, but a new database in the CRC db lookup. In this case, you only need to create/load the tables in the CRC database.
Step 5:
Finally add project users. Make sure to add AGG_SERVICE_ACCOUNT