Developers Getting Started With i2b2
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Developers Getting Started With i2b2 getstarted

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  1. Project Setup: Create a project. In this step, you define a project path which will be used to reference the project later.  
    1. When adding users to the project:
      1. Add the user AGG_SERVICE_ACCOUNT and assign it the role DATA_AGG.
      2. Add any regular users and assign them the role DATA_OBFSC

Step 2:

Update DB_Lookup tables  tables to define the Wildfly XML datasource name for the project. Refer to 6.4.3 Cell DB-Lookup: for details.


Ontology and Workplace cells can also be set up using Project Setup. 

Add new db_lookup entries for each of the core cells, to define how the project will connect to the db.

  • The core cells are Ontology, CRC, and Workplace.
  • In i2b2 1.7.13 and belowabove, this step is more easily done directly in the database. Add entries to xxx_db_lookup, for each of ONT, CRC, and WORK.
  • Add entries as below, with the project path you defined. It is easiest to copy these from an existing project.


Developers Getting Started With i2b2 getstarted