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i2b2 Users can now create regular i2b2 queries using the webclient breakdown Data Request feature. The Options presented in the breadkdown are configurable in the database HIVE_CELL_Params to export a specific data set. Detailed documentation on set up can be at Data Exporter Set-up
Below steps describe the overall process
- User logs into i2b2 webclient and creates a regular i2b2 query ,checks the desired Data request breakdown User selects a breakdown request option and selects run query.
- Email is sent to the data Manager on the user data request
- The manager logs in and rerun the user query by selecting the Data Export breakdown selection to generate the export flat file.
- The generated export flat file is stored in a location specified specified in the HIVE_CELL_Params setting.
- Email is sent to the user confirming the file extract and how to access the files.