Accrual to Clinical Trials
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Accrual to Clinical Trials ACT

Versions Compared


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UI Steps

UI Step

Unzip Folders and Files

Manual Install Steps

Version 1.1 2 is released to ACT pilot sites as a zipped folder containing the ACT web-client i2b2 1.7.09c web client with prepackaged ACT plugins named act-webclient. To deploy the web - client at a your local site user must first , unzip the act-webclient folder into a local drive. After unzip, the directory structure of the folder will look like this:Image Removedfile into your web server directory (e.g. /var/www/html/)

UI Step

Set Up Working Directory

Create the following directories 'working' directory on your system:  /opt/viewer_jobs (You can provide your own choice of directories and names as described belowwe recommend keeping it this name)

Include Page
Working Directory
Working Directory

UI Step

Edit Configurations

Info Box
titleEdit Config files locally

It is a good idea to edit config files locally and then copy all files to the web server.

To ensure that the ACT software works correctly, the ACT_config.php file has to be edited to accommodate your environment. This file can be found in the act-webclient root directory.

Details for each configuration task are shown below.

Shrine URL:

Include Page

i2b2 Domain & PM cell URL:

Include Page

UI Step

Deploy the ACT Web Client to web server

Once Step 1 through 3 are done, user must copy/upload the edited ACT-webclient folder to their web server (eg. /var/www/html/).

UI Step

Validate ACT Web Client installation

After the ACT webclient is successfully deployed to the web server, the user can validate the installation using a tool provided with the webclient.

This tool can be accessed at http(s)/url_to_your_webclient/ACT_requirements.php .


Include Page
ACT Validator
ACT Validator


Accrual to Clinical Trials ACT