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1.8.0 Release Notes

i2b2 1.8 Release includes ACT/OMOP V41 Ontology download with easy ANT script install for MSSQL and ORACLE databases, a newly redesigned i2b2 Web interface, and bug fixes.0 Release introduces two major improvements to the platform that enhance usability and applicability: a redesigned and completely rewritten i2b2 Web Interface to improve the user experience, and core support for the OMOP data model on MSSQL and Oracle databases. These changes represent a major step forward in i2b2.

Highlight of Features

Top New Features

New WebClient

ACT V41 OMOP Ontology

New Web client User Interface



Image Removed

Community-Contributed Features

Image Added

The completely rewritten web client represents a major step forward for i2b2 that features an improved layout, greater visual customization,  and a new plugin architecture.



ACT V41- OMOP Ontology

Michelle Morris (University of Pittsburgh)

Mike Mendis, Jeff Klann, Reeta Metta (Mass General Brigham)

With i2b2 interface, using ACT-OMOP Ontology, queries can be run against OMOP data with OMOP table view structure.  For information on installing and running queries using ACT-OMOP Data model

New Webclient User Interface

Nick Benik (Harvard Medical School)

The new web client version eliminates usage of YUI


and uses the latest versions of


jQuery, Bootstrap 5 and Golden-Layout libraries

Detailed Documentation on New Features

ACT Version-4.1 OMOP Ontology data load

ACT V41OMOP metadata and CRC scripts along with OMOP views are now available for load into i2b2 db schema.

The CPT4 ontology table is not included with i2b2 due to AMA restrictions on redistribution of CPT code information. Contact the ACT team to get a copy if your institution is an AMA member.

Ontology tables load process.

  1. Download and extract the new install zip package from "Download Binary Distribution" section of
  2. Edit the\Release_1-7\NewInstall\Metadata\ file to update the project properties to 'ACT-OMOP'; example: db.project=ACT-OMOP
  3. From the\Release_1-7\NewInstall\Metadata folder, run the ant command: ant -f data_build.xml db_metadata_load_data
    1. This will execute the SQL scripts from the\Release_1-7\NewInstall\Metadata\act\scripts\<db type> folder and will create and load ACT-OMOP Ontology metadata tables 
  4. You can now verify the new Ontology by logging into the web client.

OMOP views and Concept dimension load process

  1. From the\Release_1-7\NewInstall\Crcdata folder, run the ant command: ant -f data_build.xml db_demodata_load_data
    1. This will execute the  BUILD_ACT_OMOP_Views _<dbtpye> script from the\Release_1-7\NewInstall\crcdata\act-omop\scripts\<db type> folder and will create the OMOP views under the Views section in the database.
    2. In addition, the corresponding ACT-OMOP concept_dimension data is populated by executing the scripts form the folders.

              2.  You can now run queries against the OMOP data from the webclient


Delete your Patient_dimension and Visit_dimension tables before executing the crc scripts. The OMOP views will build these as Views

Totalnum counts execution

Load and execute file totalnum_usp/sqlserver/totalnum_fast_prep_OMOP.sql and run the following command:

exec totalnum_fast_prep_OMOP 'observation_fact','dbo','@

When finished, verify by checking that c_totalnum columns in your ontology tables contain numbers. These total counts will be visible in the ontology browser in the web client for 2b2 users with DATA_AGG user permission.


Ontologies derived from visit_dimension or patient_dimension top folders will not have counts because of the way these terms are defined and cannot be rolled up.

ACT OMOP Totalnum Scripts

Totalnum Scripts (patient counting scripts) have been updated to improve the counter's performance on both multiple ontology tables and very large(>1.5 million) ontologies  such as ACT medications. Debug messages have also been added for troubleshooting and profiling purposes. Support for multiple fact tables has been added and bugfixes have been made.

Totalnum Scripts Setup

  1. If upgrading, create the totalnum and totalnum_report tables. In Release_1-7/Upgrade/Metadata, run the ant upgrade script.
    ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_tables_release_1-7-12a
  2.  In the Release_1-7/NewInstall/Metadata/ run the ant script to create the stored procedures. 
    ant -f data_build.xml create_metadata_procedures_release_1-7 
  3. Set privileges: If using multiple schemas, the stored procedure should be run from the metadata schema. Make sure the stored procedure can read the tables in the crcdata schema (observation_fact, visit_dimension, patient_dimension) and can both read an update ontology tables in the metadata schema (including table_access). 
  4. If using multiple fact tables, the recommended approach is to create a fact table view as the union of all your fact tables. (This is essentially going back to a single fact table, but it is only used for totalnum counting. This is needed to correctly count patients that mention multiple fact tables within a hierarchy.)
           create view observation_fact_view as
           select * from CONDITION_VIEW 
           union all
           select * from drug_view
    If running the counting script in SQL Server, add the wildcard flag, to ignore multifact references in the ontology: e.g. exec RunTotalnum 'observation_fact_view','dbo','@','Y'
    This is automatically accounted for in the other database platforms. Note this approach does not work if you have conflicting concept_cds across fact tables.
  5. Run the stored procedures on your database. This can be done in two ways:
    • Run the ant command to execute the data_build.xml file with below specified target 
      POSTGRESQL : ant -f data_build.xml db_metadata_run_total_count_postgresql
      ORACLE : ant -f data_build.xml db_metadata_run_total_count_oracle
      SQL SERVER : ant -f data_build.xml db_metadata_run_total_count_sqlserver   
    • Execute the RunTotalNum  stored procedure manually against your database from a SQL Client. This can take several hours for large databases or large ontologies.  Examples are below.




You can optionally include a table name if you only want to count one ontology table (this IS case sensitive):

Note: If you get the error as: ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privilege, then run the command:
        grant create table to (DB USER)  

, which will ensure maintainability far into the future.

i2b2 on OMOP for MSSQL and Oracle databases

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The core i2b2 platform now supports the OMOP data model, which is queryable through the comprehensive ENACT-OMOP Ontology. (MSSQL and Oracle are supported. Postgres support will be added in 1.8.1.)

Bug fixes

Image Added

Bug fixes are included that are needed for OMOP support and for long-running breakdowns. 

Community-Contributed Features




ACT-OMOP design and ontology

Michele Morris (University of Pittsburgh)

The ENACT-OMOP Ontology powers the i2b2 queries against OMOP data, and the design of the database views enables the queries to run. 

1.8.1 will be released In April 2024 and will add Postgres support for OMOP, Snowflake database support, SQL job scheduling, and improved data export.

Detailed Documentation on New Features

New Web client User Interface

The new Web Client modernizes the i2b2 query tool, and features:

  • Removal of antiquated support libraries.
  • Creation of new compartmentalized plugin execution environment with support for legacy plugins.
  • Drag and Drop system reworked to use browser-native operations.

See i2b2 Web Client Install for installation instructions.

The Admin functionality is still supported through the classic web client. See i2b2 Administration Module Install for more information. In particular, pay attention to the configuration file change in 6.4 Configuration which enables an admin-only version of  the classic webclient.

ACT i2b2 on OMOP for MSSQL and Oracle databases

ACT i2b2 on OMOP functionality uses ACT Ontology in the front-end and enables the i2b2 Software to run against a database that uses the OMOP CDM architecture. 

Documentation on loading the OMOP metadata, CRC tables, and CRC OMOP Views required to query the OMOP tables can be found here: i2b2-on-OMOP With ENACT-OMOP Ontology v4.1

For historical reference on old 2018 OMOP  installation , refer to OMOP Home on i2b2 Community Wiki


For enabling use of an OMOP database with  i2b2, follow the instructions in the install guide for a new install of i2b2 using the i2b2-OMOP install option. The documentation here will guide you through this process. i2b2-on-OMOP With ENACT-OMOP Ontology v4.1

ACT OMOP Totalnum Scripts

Totalnum Scripts (patient counting scripts) have been updated with bugfixes, and the MSSQL version has been rewritten and is 5x faster. 

Patient Counting Scripts ("totalnum")


When finished, verify it is complete by checking that c_totalnum columns in your ontology tables contain numbers (not nulls). These total counts will be visible in the ontology browser in the web client.

Parent folders will get counts (of all patients with facts in the leaves) except for ontology folders derived from visit_dimension or patient_dimension. These cannot be rolled up because of the way these terms are defined in the ontology. They will have no count at all (not a zero).


i2b2 users must have the DATA_AGG user permission to view the counts through the web client.

Improved CRC scripts execution Process

Prior to 1.8 release, CRC scripts via ANT execution command supported single CRC zip folder structure. 1.8 release will support multiple CRV zip folder execution. The databuild.xml has been modified for this process.


Database Drivers

The JDBC drivers were updated to the following versions.

Server Type




Driver Version




New Version

Oracle 21.5

PostgreSQL 42.3.2

MS Sql Server 9.2

Supported Db Server versions

Server Type

SQL Server




Supported Version/s

2012+ (tested with up to 2019)

12g+ and 21c

9 to 14

Supported software versions

Application Type



Apache HTD

Apache Ant

Apache Axis2



Supported Version/s

8 or 11


2.0 (RHEL 6) and 2.2 ( RHEL 7) or

Supported Operating Systems

CentOS versions 6 (deprecated) or 7 (highly recommended) 

Windows 7-2019

 Rocky linux 8 and 9, CentOS versions  7

Windows 2016 -2019

Unofficially, MacOS and other flavors of Linux are likely to work.

i2b2 Server and Client Changes

New Features and Improvements

Web client

WEBCLIENT-360 New web client User Interface


 old webclient packaged with default Admin-only configuration

classic webclient - configurable for Admin functionality                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


CORE-426  running i2b2 on OMOP data model

CORE-433  i2b2 on Rocky Linux 9 (CentOS 7 hits EOL 6/2024)

CORE-426  running i2b2 on OMOP data model



i2b2 Database Changes

New Features and Improvements

DATA-16 I2b2 on OMOP- SQL Server and ORACLE                                        

DATA-23 Support for multiple crc zip file extraction using databuld.



DATA-33  MSSQL Version of Faster Patient Counting Scripts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Bug Fixes

Core-server / Data

CORE-440 Queries from queue are not processing and  returning back                                                                                                                                                  

CORE-441   DB Locking issue- can't show previous query when a query is



 CORE-442  Get_children doesn't work on Modifier folders

CORE-444  Breakdowns for non-Patient_dimension views - don't work

CORE-443  Breakdown queueing

CORE-445 java code folder structure for 1.7 should be changed to refer to 1.8

CORE-446 php install process on IIS has changed; documentation needs to be update

DATA-36 Wrong driver version jdbc 10.2 vs 9.2 in default datasource for MSSQL

Notes for Developers

For Java 11 install, if you change the xsd (REST API message definitions), then you will need to regenerate gensrc via JAXB in Java 8. In the i2b2-core cell directory for which you're regenerating the XSD-Java, run the ant target "jaxb_gen" on Java 8 and then build as usual using Java 11.


Release Management RM