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Download the workbench for Windows or Mac in the Mapping Software section, unzip. Double click on the hive icon to get started. i2b2 user name and password are demo/demouser. To run the demo, select vocabulary = ICDCM, Knowledge source = 1415 and category = ICD9.
MetaMap Demo workbench for Windows
MetaMap Demo workbench for the Mac
Mapping Tools Overview An overview of the tool's features.
Below are packages for the Mapper Cell and workbenches preconfigured with the Mapping tools. The workbenches supercede the demo packages listed above. A set of mapping demo data is also provided that mimics the data on the Amazon demo instance. The workbench is also preconfigured to point to a Demo MetaMap instance . on Amazon. i2b2 user name and password are demo/demouser. To run the demo, select vocabulary = ICDCM, Knowledge source = 1415 and category = ICD9.
Metamap Data Package Collection of scripts to load sample data to map to ICD9
Ontology_Mapping Cell Installation Guide Installation guide for Ontology Mapper cell. Works with 1.7 i2b2 hive.
MetaMap workbench for Windows version 1.1 Windows version of workbench including the new automated (MetaMap) mapping plugin.
MetaMap workbench for Mac version 1.1 Mac version of workbench including the new automated (MetaMap) mapping plugin.