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i2b2 Release 1.7.11
Release Date: February 27 March 6, 2019
Release Summary
Release 1.7.11 contains several new enhancements to the i2b2 kernel, many of which improve the usability of the i2b2 WebClient. We have included a new Identified Data Plan for PHI data and have a license model.
After the drag and drop to the query panel the list of all the items are displayed
New Feature:
Individual Patient drag and drop from Previous Query Panel
Once a patient set is created, that patient can be dragged and dropped to the Query Tool Panel
Below is a patient set with 2 patients
After drag and drop of the individual patient to the query tool panel
New Feature: Previous Queries Upgrade in Web Client
The Previous Queries panel in the web client has been upgraded to accommodate three new options.
- Filter Previous
The Previous Queries panel in the web client has been upgraded to accommodate three new options.
- Filter Previous Queries List by User - Users with the MANAGER role will now see a drop down in the Previous Queries Options menu that allows them to filter previous queries by a specific user in the i2b2 project.
- Auto Refresh Previous Queries - Users now have the ability to set an auto-refresh timer in the Previous Queries Options menu in which the Previous Queries list will auto-refresh in the specified time period (off, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, or 60 seconds).
- Page through Previous Queries by Date - Users can navigate Previous Queries by a particular date.
The keytool utility stores the keys and certificates in a file termed as keystore, a repository of certificates used for identifying a client or a server. Typically, a keystore contains one client or one server's identity, which are protected by using a password.
Create a Self Signed Certificate
You You can create a certificate for your server using the following command:
In /opt/{wildfly} in bin run to create user and select (a) management user
Wildfly 10 Setup
In Wildfly 10 run
<https-listener name="default-https" security-realm="SSLRealm" socket-binding="https"/>
Wildfly 14 Setup
In Wildflt Wildfly 14 run
Connect to the server
1 | /subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/https-listener=https:write-attribute(name=security-realm,value=ApplicationRealm) |
Both Wildfly 10 and 14
Add the following to the axis2.xml file right after the <transportReceiver name="http"
Change all the pm_cell_data to
Change the, and files to point to the https://localhost:8443
Database Changes
Change all the pm_cell_data within the PM Database to https://localhost127.0.0.1:8443
This was tested using PostMan to a CRC setfinder, which than connected to the PM to authenicate
After all the cells have been updated it should look like below.
Webclient Changes
Webclient, if using self-signed cert add the following to the index.php