Developers Getting Started With i2b2
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Developers Getting Started With i2b2 getstarted

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Table of Contents

i2b2 User Registration Guide


  • enable/disable user self-registration in i2b2 webclient

  • self-register new user

  • assign project and roles to new user (for administrator only)

Whenever a new user is added (registered) into the system, no project is assigned to the user. Therefore, the new user cannot sign into the i2b2 application immediately after self registering. The administrator has to do the following first before the new user can sign in:


Enabling Local User Self-Registration

Modify the file config.php that is located in the directory /var/www/html/webclient/registration/user to enable user self-registration. Set the value of the PHP attribute config_pm_uri to ***''***.

Replace with the address of your PM cell if it is not on the same machine as the webserver!

For an example:


Modify the file i2b2_config_data.json that js that is located in the directory /var/www/html/webclient/ to enable option for user self-registration. Set the value of the attribute showRegistration to true and set the value of the attribute registrationMethod empty. Again, replace More detailed instructions are here.


User registration requires the webserver and Wildfly to be running on the same server, so make sure that urlCellPM is


! (Your port could be different.)

For an example:

    "domain": "i2b2demo",
    "name": "HarvardDemoi2b2_local",
    "allowAnalysis": true,
    "urlCellPM": "http:\/\/\/i2b2\/services\/PMService\/",
    "registrationMethod": "local",
    "loginType": "local",
    "showRegistration": true,
    "debug": true

Refresh the webpage and you should see the option to register user (circled in red):

local loginImage RemovedImage Added

Enabling Federation User Self-Registration

Modify the file i2b2_config_data.json located js located in the directory /var/www/html/webclient/. Set the value of the attribute showRegistration to true and set the value of the attribute registrationMethod to saml.(Here


urlCellPM must be


because the AJP proxy for the PM cell will always run on the same


server as the client.


Here, no port is specified because we want the client to talk to the AJP proxy.

For an example:

    "domain": "i2b2demo",
    "name": "HarvardDemoi2b2_saml",
    "allowAnalysis": true,
    "urlCellPM": "http:\/\/\/i2b2\/services\/PMService\/",
    "registrationMethod": "saml",
    "loginType": "federated",
    "showRegistration": true,
    "debug": true

Refresh the webpage and you should see the option to register user (circled in red):

federated loginImage RemovedImage Added

Disabling User Self-Registration

To disable user self-registration for either local registration or federation registration, set the value of the attribute showRegistration to false in the file file i2b2_config_data.json located js located in the directory /var/www/html/webclient/.


Note that the new user cannot sign in immediately after self-registering. An administrator has to add the new user to a project and add the project roles to the new user. Below is the error shown if the new user attempts to log in immediately after registering:

login no project error

Changing the Terms and Conditions

The content of the "Terms & Conditions" box in the registration tool can be changed by modifying the file /var/www/html/webclient/i2b2-js/i2b2_ui_config.js

Modify the termsCondition parameter of the JSON object i2b2.UI.cfg .

Code Block
i2b2.UI = {};
/* Start Configuration. Note: be careful to keep trailing commas after each parameter */
i2b2.UI.cfg = {
    termsCondition: "Terms & Conditions\n\nDo not talk about i2b2. It is a secret."

Adding New User to a Project

In the admin tool, you will see the new self-registered user. Follow the admin tool instructions to add that user to a project.

(The author's original version of this document is at:

Developers Getting Started With i2b2 getstarted