Page History
3) Prakash working SHRINE interface for Appliance. Still some problem with SHRINE Topic.
4) Ketty's Anti-hypertensives are now on BioPortal. Getting Meds into NCBO is now possible. Design query hierarchy. Use NCBO HOM features to merge that meds dictionary with another EPIC meds hierarchy. How about the VA meds hierarchy (terms are the same)? Mark will write up cross institutional queries on meds for finding meds of interest.
5) Rob and Ketty giving demo at ICBO in 2 weeks or so.
Prakash, Nivi (UAB), Vijay, Peter
- UAB - UETL code changes committed to SVN, custom loader scripts to be shared with UCSF
- ViewCreator released to i2b2 wiki, documentation pending
- Peter's lab work to be shared with UAB
Participants: Prakash, Aaron Mandel, Vijay, Nive, Rob Wynden, Peter, Curtis
12) Next week we will see a demo of the UAB ACE (Aggregate Cohort Estimator) query interface
Ketty, Prakash, Harsh, Peter, Curtis, Nevi, Aaron
Prakash – updating Sybase
Ketty – more uploads and annotations in NCBO BioPortal. One UCare table (DISCH) is there. While proprietary, it was put there to the public site for our group to review and give comments back to Ketty. We are still waiting on the public site from Stanford.
Nevi (UAB) – have used UETL to import files to the i2b2 sql loader. They encountered some issues with some nodes and database. Also an issue with the drag and drop option showed nulls at the tool tip. They were able to resolve most issues. Prakash discussed some of the items with them, but some of the unresolved issues will wait until Vijay comes back in 2 weeks.
Curtis (UAB) – while they have to wait on the UETL issues, they want to get started on HOM. Prakash will set up a call for tomorrow (12/22) pm and get things started for them.
Aaron – HOM wiki has been relocated to Harvard ( Only he, Prakash and Rob have access to it right now. Won't be available until Rob gives his okay.
On the call: Rob Wynden, Harsh, Ketty, Peter, Prakash, Mark Weiner, Curtis and John from UAB also
On the call: Rob Wynden, Prakash Lakshminarayanan, Marco Casale, Tim Thimman, Nick Anderson, Justin Prosser, Prakash Lakshminarayanan, Matvey Palchuk, Mike Klumpenaar
1) All sites should rebuild on the most current build of HOM
3. Rob is continuing forth on the SHRIMP UI redesign to add a Mapping Workbench Tab for OntoMapper
On the call - Nick Anderson, Prakash Lakshminarayanan, Aaron Mandel, Mark Weiner, Matvey Palchuk, Mike Klumpenaar
1. Nick was interested in progress of RxNorm API for Ontomapper and Prakash reported that this is being initiated at UCSF.
2. Aaron Mandel checked on the status of Ontomapper documentation. Prakash said that it's is not yet ready and would be taken up shortly.
3. Prakash said that Ontomapper has been tested on HSDB maps. Aaron queried on the type of medications supported by HSDB. Prakash explained HSDB maps were simple and based on raw HSDB data. Prakash also said that RxNorm maps would be a good benchmark for Ontomapper.
4. We discussed on various RxNorm medications.
5. Rob and team would work on leveraging SHRIMP UI for Ontomapper work.
1) There was NO ONTOMAPPER MEETING today because so many people are at the AMIA conference... we reconvene next week.