i2b2 Web Client
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i2b2 Web Client webclient

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i2b2 Sponsored Project - i2b2 Web Client

The i2b2 Web Client is a collection of client-side components designed as an YUI AJAX-based plug-ins that communicate with i2b2 Cells and allow the investigator to query and display the data of the hive.

Actual Screenshot of i2b2 Web Client


Read Access


http://community.i2b2.org/repos/i2b2/trunk/sponsored/webclient/Image Removed

Developer Notes

The bugs and enhancements for the i2b2 Web Client can be found in spreadsheet attached to the bottom of this page. We welcome you to take a look and see if there is anything that you would like to work on fixing or developing. In order to prevent confusion and duplication of efforts across institutions we would like to outline the following procedure.


to the Code


2. Select an item you want to work on.

3. Log into JIRA which is http://community.i2b2.org/jira

4. Enter an issue for the bug you are going to fix.

5. Assign the issue to yourself.

6. Keep JIRA updated throughout the development process.

7. Once you are finished the final step is to update the issue in JIRA.

The following users can direct changes to the webclient SVN:

  • Mike Mendis
  • Nich Wattanasin
  • Nick Benik

In the excel spreadsheet below the following is the color schema:

  • Yellow - A bug or feature that we plan on adding, but have not started
  • Green - A bug or feature which has been compeleted
  • White - A bug or feature which might be added but no plans have been scheduled

The i2b2 team is automatically updated on the status of the issue and will be responsible for updating the excel spreadsheet attached to this page.WebClient_WorkList_12-8-2010.xls

i2b2 Web Client webclient