Before moving forward with the installation of the i2b2 on OMOP tables the following requirements must be met. Excerpt |
Image Removed Requirements Section
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Level | 1:Image Modified
Installed your Your i2b2 hivedata and pmdata tables have been installed and loaded with the data provided in the standard i2b2 data file.
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Image Modified Installed your CDM tables and loaded data from the SynPUF sample data file
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Image Removed CDM tables reside in the same database / schema as your i2b2 tables |
The OHDSI maintains the CDM tables, for additional information on setting up these tables, please see the OMOP CDM page.
Image Added Your CDM database or schema have been setup.
Image Added A database user has been setup.
- This user is needed to create and load data into the new i2b2 tables.
- It is also used by the i2b2 Cells when they need to contact the database or schema.
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<div class="i2b2-panel">
note <img src=" |
noteimportant.png" width="16" height="16" align="absmiddle" alt="info" border="0">
<br>The i2b2 tables need |
<br>Inyouri2b2databaseyoumayormaynothaveinstalledcrcdataandmetadatatablesthatareprovidedinthestandardi2b2data package.
<li>The url for the location of the database</li>
<li>Name of your CDM database / schema.</li>
<li>The username and password for the database user.</li>
</ |
tr>tbody>table></div>Order of Installation
It is important the tables, procedures, and views are installed in the order defined below. Failure to do so will result in errors when running the scripts.
CRC Tables
- crcdata: create tables
- crcdata: create procedures
- crcdata: load data
- crcdata: create OMOP views
Ontology Tables
- metadata: create tables
- metadata: load data
Workplace Tables
- workdata: create tables
- workdata: load data