Order of Configuration
Image Added Update crc.properties file
Image Added Configure data sources
Image Added Update data lookup (db_lookup) tables
Image Added Setup a new project / add service account to project
Update data lookup tables
Update Properties file
The third step in the i2b2 on OMOP configuration process is to edit the build.properties file for edu.harvard.i2b2.pm. During this step you need to set the jboss.home and axis2.war.name properties.
Excerpt |
Steps to update build.properties indent |
| 1. At the command prompt type the following: |
Panel |
borderColor | #ccc |
bgColor | #ffffff |
titleBGColor | #DDD9C3 |
borderStyle | solid |
title | Linux Command |
| indent |
| open build.properties |
Panel |
borderColor | #ccc |
bgColor | #ffffff |
titleBGColor | #DDD9C3 |
borderStyle | solid |
title | Windows Command |
| |
indent |
| 2. The build.properties file will open. Set the following properties to reflect your environment: |
Panel |
borderColor | #ccc |
bgColor | #ffffff |
titleBGColor | #E5DFEC |
borderStyle | solid |
title | Build Properties File |
| indent |
| queryprocessormultifacttable=true |
indent |
| 3. Save the changes and close the file. |
Update crc.properties
CRC Properties Configuration
The crc.properties file contains a number of properties that define how the CRC cell will behave during certain operations. For the i2b2 on OMOP project there is only one property in this file that needs to be modified.
Property Name: queryprocessor.multifacttable
Value | Behavior |
false | The CRC will continue to work as it does in the classic i2b2. Only one fact table (observation_fact) will be queried |
true | The CRC will query multiple fact tables as defined in the OMOP CDM version 5 |
Update crc.properties file
- You are logged into the command line application for your environment. (Linux: Terminal or Shell and Windows: Command Prompt)
- You have already changed your working directory to the one that is appropriate for this installation.
indent |
1. At the command prompt type the following: |
Panel |
borderColor | #ccc |
bgColor | #ffffff |
titleBGColor | #DDD9C3 |
borderStyle | solid |
title | Linux Command |
indent |
| open YOUR_I2B2_SRC_DIR/edu.harvard.i2b2.crc/etc/spring/crc.properties |
Panel |
borderColor | #ccc |
bgColor | #ffffff |
titleBGColor | #DDD9C3 |
borderStyle | solid |
title | Windows Command |
indent |
| YOUR_I2B2_SRC_DIR\i2b2\edu.harvard.i2b2.crc\etc\spring\crc.properties |
indent |
Linux Command: open /opt/i2b2/edu.harvard.i2b2.crc/etc/spring/crc.properties |
indent |
Windows Command: C:\opt\i2b2\edu.harvard.i2b2.crc\etc\spring\crc.properties |
indent |
2. The crc.properties file will open. |
indent |
3. Scroll to the section called Derived/Multi fact table parameter. |
indent |
4. Edit the queryprocessor.multifacttable property to turn on the i2b2 on OMOP feature. |
Panel |
borderColor | #ccc |
bgColor | #ffffff |
titleBGColor | #E5DFEC |
borderStyle | solid |
title | Project Management Cell |
indent |
| # Derived/Multi fact table parameter |
indent |
| queryprocessor.multifacttable=true |