During the Metadata Installation we will be working with the Metadata directory. Within this directory are the files we will be editing to define the database properties, create the IM tables and load the sample data provided with the data package.
To change your working directory to the Metadata directory enter the following command:
Panel |
borderColor | #ccc |
bgColor | #ffffff |
titleBGColor | #DDD9C3 |
borderStyle | solid |
title | Change Directory Command |
indent |
| CD YOUR_I2B2_DATA_DIR\edu.harvard.i2b2.data\Release_1-7\NewInstall\Metadata |
Excerpt Include |
| 3.4.1 Working Directory |
| 3.4.1 Working Directory |
nopanel | true |
indent |
Windows Command: CD C:\opt\data\edu.harvard.i2b2.data\Release_1-7\NewInstall\Metadata |
indent |
Linux Command: CD /opt/data/edu.harvard.i2b2.data/Release_1-7/NewInstall/Metadata |