UI Step |
Unzip act-webclient-1712a.zip to your web server directory. This is usually where your local i2b2 web client is running (not your SHRINE web client). Example on Linux running Apache, below: Code Block |
language | bash |
title | Linux Example |
| $ unzip i2b2-act-webclient-1712a.zip -d /var/www/html/ |
This will extract the folder 'i2b2-act-webclient' in your web directory (e.g. /var/www/html/i2b2-act-webclient/) |
UI Step |
Configure the /i2b2-act-webclient/i2b2_config_data.js file. If you have an existing i2b2_config_data.js that is setup for your local ACT i2b2, you can copy and replace this file. This is a standard i2b2 web client configuration as outlined in section 1.4.2 Domain Configuration of the i2b2 installation guide. |
UI Step |
Configure the /i2b2-act-webclient/ACT_configuration.php file. This configuration file contains the URL to your SHRINE node's 'admin' API. You should modify the $shrine_admin_url variable depending on your version of SHRINE. - For SHRINE 3.0+ versions: $shrine_admin_url = 'http://your-shrine-server:port/shrine-api/aim3/xml';
- For SHRINE 2.x versions: $shrine_admin_url = 'http://your-shrine-server:port/shrine/rest/i2b2/admin/request';
This configuration is required for the SHRINE-to-i2b2 Connector plugin to operate. |
UI Step |
You can skip this step if you are using the pre-packaged act-webclient-1712a.zip file above. Your plugins are already configured in i2b2_loader.js. Configure the /i2b2-act-webclient/js-i2b2/i2b2_loader.js file. This configuration file controls which i2b2 web client plugins are enabled in your web client. |
UI Step |
Upgrade i2b2 Databases to 1.7.12A
Run the following upgrade scripts on your i2b2 database instance, where {db} can be Oracle, sqlserver or postgresql. Note: The example scripts below are examples ONLY. The actual .sql scripts are provided in the zip file download above. In /i2b2/data/ folder | CRC | Open the file: /i2b2/data/Crcdata/scripts/crc_create_query_{db}.sql and run the last three relevant sections (upgrading from 1.7.09c all the way to 1.7.12): For example, for SQL server: --============================================================== -- Database Script to upgrade CRC from 1.7.09c to 1.7.10 --============================================================== -- New column added to support new SQL breakdowns - roles based access alter table QT_QUERY_RESULT_TYPE add USER_ROLE_CD VARCHAR(255); --============================================================== -- Database Script to upgrade CRC from 1.7.10 to 1.7.11 --============================================================== insert into QT_PRIVILEGE(PROTECTION_LABEL_CD, DATAPROT_CD, HIVEMGMT_CD) values ('SETFINDER_QRY_PROTECTED','DATA_PROT','USER') --============================================================== -- Database Script to upgrade CRC from 1.7.11 to 1.7.12 --============================================================== alter table QT_QUERY_RESULT_TYPE add CLASSNAME VARCHAR(200) ; update QT_QUERY_RESULT_TYPE set CLASSNAME='edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientSetGenerator' where NAME='PATIENTSET' ; update QT_QUERY_RESULT_TYPE set CLASSNAME='edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultEncounterSetGenerator' where NAME='PATIENT_ENCOUNTER_SET' ; update QT_QUERY_RESULT_TYPE set CLASSNAME='edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientCountGenerator' where NAME='PATIENT_COUNT_XML' ; update QT_QUERY_RESULT_TYPE set CLASSNAME='edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultGenerator' where NAME='PATIENT_GENDER_COUNT_XML' ; update QT_QUERY_RESULT_TYPE set CLASSNAME='edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultGenerator' where NAME='PATIENT_VITALSTATUS_COUNT_XML' ; update QT_QUERY_RESULT_TYPE set CLASSNAME='edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultGenerator' where NAME='PATIENT_RACE_COUNT_XML' ; update QT_QUERY_RESULT_TYPE set CLASSNAME='edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultGenerator' where NAME='PATIENT_AGE_COUNT_XML' ; update QT_QUERY_RESULT_TYPE set CLASSNAME='edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientSQLCountGenerator' where NAME='PATIENT_LOS_XML' ; update QT_QUERY_RESULT_TYPE set CLASSNAME='edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientSQLCountGenerator' where NAME='PATIENT_TOP20MEDS_XML' ; update QT_QUERY_RESULT_TYPE set CLASSNAME='edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientSQLCountGenerator' where NAME='PATIENT_TOP20DIAG_XML' ; update QT_QUERY_RESULT_TYPE set CLASSNAME='edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientSQLCountGenerator' where NAME='PATIENT_INOUT_XML' ;Hive | Open the file: /i2b2/data/Hivedata/scripts/upgrade_{db}_i2b2hive_tables.sql and run the last required section: For example, for SQL server: CREATE TABLE HIVE_CELL_PARAMS ( ID INT NOT NULL, DATATYPE_CD VARCHAR(50) NULL, CELL_ID VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, PARAM_NAME_CD VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, VALUE VARCHAR(MAX) NULL, CHANGE_DATE DATETIME NULL, ENTRY_DATE DATETIME NULL, CHANGEBY_CHAR VARCHAR(50) NULL, STATUS_CD VARCHAR(50) NULL, CONSTRAINT HIVE_CE__PK PRIMARY KEY(ID) ); INSERT INTO HIVE_CELL_PARAMS(ID, DATATYPE_CD, CELL_ID, PARAM_NAME_CD, VALUE, CHANGE_DATE, ENTRY_DATE, CHANGEBY_CHAR, STATUS_CD) VALUES(33, 'T', 'CRC', 'queryprocessor.jndi.queryinfolocal', 'ejb.querytool.QueryInfoLocal', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'A'); INSERT INTO HIVE_CELL_PARAMS(ID, DATATYPE_CD, CELL_ID, PARAM_NAME_CD, VALUE, CHANGE_DATE, ENTRY_DATE, CHANGEBY_CHAR, STATUS_CD) VALUES(31, 'T', 'CRC', 'queryprocessor.jndi.querymanagerlocal', 'ejb.querytool.QueryManagerLocal', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'A'); INSERT INTO HIVE_CELL_PARAMS(ID, DATATYPE_CD, CELL_ID, PARAM_NAME_CD, VALUE, CHANGE_DATE, ENTRY_DATE, CHANGEBY_CHAR, STATUS_CD) VALUES(37, 'T', 'CRC', 'queryprocessor.jndi.querymanagerremote', 'ejb.querytool.QueryManager', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'A'); INSERT INTO HIVE_CELL_PARAMS(ID, DATATYPE_CD, CELL_ID, PARAM_NAME_CD, VALUE, CHANGE_DATE, ENTRY_DATE, CHANGEBY_CHAR, STATUS_CD) VALUES(61, 'T', 'ONT', 'applicationName', 'Ontology Cell', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'A'); INSERT INTO HIVE_CELL_PARAMS(ID, DATATYPE_CD, CELL_ID, PARAM_NAME_CD, VALUE, CHANGE_DATE, ENTRY_DATE, CHANGEBY_CHAR, STATUS_CD) VALUES(63, 'T', 'CRC', 'applicationName', 'CRC Cell', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'A'); INSERT INTO HIVE_CELL_PARAMS(ID, DATATYPE_CD, CELL_ID, PARAM_NAME_CD, VALUE, CHANGE_DATE, ENTRY_DATE, CHANGEBY_CHAR, STATUS_CD) VALUES(62, 'T', 'ONT', 'applicationVersion', '1.7', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'A'); INSERT INTO HIVE_CELL_PARAMS(ID, DATATYPE_CD, CELL_ID, PARAM_NAME_CD, VALUE, CHANGE_DATE, ENTRY_DATE, CHANGEBY_CHAR, STATUS_CD) VALUES(64, 'T', 'CRC', 'applicationVersion', '1.7', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'A'); INSERT INTO HIVE_CELL_PARAMS(ID, DATATYPE_CD, CELL_ID, PARAM_NAME_CD, VALUE, CHANGE_DATE, ENTRY_DATE, CHANGEBY_CHAR, STATUS_CD) VALUES(16, 'T', 'CRC', 'edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.analysis.queue.large.jobcheck.timemills', '60000', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'A'); INSERT INTO HIVE_CELL_PARAMS(ID, DATATYPE_CD, CELL_ID, PARAM_NAME_CD, VALUE, CHANGE_DATE, ENTRY_DATE, CHANGEBY_CHAR, STATUS_CD) VALUES(14, 'T', 'CRC', 'edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.analysis.queue.large.maxjobcount', '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'A'); INSERT INTO HIVE_CELL_PARAMS(ID, DATATYPE_CD, CELL_ID, PARAM_NAME_CD, VALUE, CHANGE_DATE, ENTRY_DATE, CHANGEBY_CHAR, STATUS_CD) VALUES(13, 'T', 'CRC', 'edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.analysis.queue.large.timeoutmills', '43200000', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'A'); INSERT INTO HIVE_CELL_PARAMS(ID, DATATYPE_CD, CELL_ID, PARAM_NAME_CD, VALUE, CHANGE_DATE, ENTRY_DATE, CHANGEBY_CHAR, STATUS_CD) VALUES(15, 'T', 'CRC', 'edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.analysis.queue.medium.jobcheck.timemills', '60000', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'A'); INSERT INTO HIVE_CELL_PARAMS(ID, DATATYPE_CD, CELL_ID, PARAM_NAME_CD, VALUE, CHANGE_DATE, ENTRY_DATE, CHANGEBY_CHAR, STATUS_CD) VALUES(12, 'T', 'CRC', 'edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.analysis.queue.medium.maxjobcount', '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'A'); INSERT INTO HIVE_CELL_PARAMS(ID, DATATYPE_CD, CELL_ID, PARAM_NAME_CD, VALUE, CHANGE_DATE, ENTRY_DATE, CHANGEBY_CHAR, STATUS_CD) ... (shortened)
Ontology | Open the file: /i2b2/data/Metadata/scripts/ont_{db}.sql and run the script: For example, for SQL server: alter table TABLE_ACCESS add C_ONTOLOGY_PROTECTION VARCHAR(MAX); Note: For ACT, you'll want to apply this statement to both your local i2b2 ACT ontology, and your SHRINE ACT ontology (if you use two separate i2b2 projects). | PM | Open the file: /i2b2/data/Pmdata/scripts/upgrade_{db}_i2b2pm_tables.sql and run the last relevant section (upgrading from 1.7.09c): For example, for SQL server: ALTER TABLE PM_USER_LOGIN DROP PRIMARY KEY; CREATE INDEX PM_USER_LOGIN_IDX ON PM_USER_LOGIN(USER_ID, ENTRY_DATE); | UI Step |
Update the datasource (*-ds.xml) files in your deployment directory Copy *-ds.xml files from the backup folder to wildfly-1#.0.1.Final/standalone/deployments
Edit the following files crc-ds.xml, ont-ds.xml, pm-ds.xml, work-ds.xml and replace ALL the <driver>{something}.jar</driver> with Oracle | SQL Server | PostgreSQL | <driver>ojdbc8.jar</driver> | <driver>mssql-jdbc-7.4.1.jre8.jar</driver> | <driver>postgresql42.2.8.jar</driver> | UI Step |
Migrate cell properties: In 1.7.12, cell properties have been moved to the database, in a new table called HIVE_CELL_PARAMS. If any cell properties were previously changed, they will need to be manually updated in the database. After this, the properties files can be deleted to prevent confusion. More documentation on setting cell properties is available at this page. Most commonly, the AGG_SERVICE_ACCOUNT password will need to be updated. Generally, the cell URLs do not need to be configured anymore, as the hostname and port is now auto-detected. Example | Properties files are stored at /opt/wildfly-{version}.Final/standalone/configuration/ on Linux and c:\opt\wildfly-{version}.Final\standalone\configuration\ on Windows. The table can be edited with a SQL editor in hive_cell_params. | Add the MANAGER role to your local i2b2 account(s) for your ACT i2b2 project. If you are unsure about what your local i2b2 project is called, the information can be found in your shrine configuration file (/opt/shrine/tomcat/lib/shrine.conf) under shrine.hiveCredentials.crcProjectId:
shrine { ... hiveCredentials { ... crcProjectId = 'demo' } ... } Once you have confirmed your local i2b2 project ID that SHRINE uses, you should add the following i2b2 role for your i2b2 account in your PM_PROJECT_USER_ROLES table
demo | user_id | MANAGER | date | date | NULL | A |
If the account you login with does not have the MANAGER role, you will not see the SHRINE-to-i2b2 Connector or Patient Data Exporter plugins in the list of available plugins. |
UI Step |
Verify your installation UI Expand |
expanded | true |
title | Test web client |
| Note: any changes made in your HIVE_CELL_PARAMS table will require you to restart Wildfly/i2b2 for the changes to take affect. UI Step |
Backup your existing i2b2_config_data.js from your web server
On your webclient backup your existing i2b2_config_data.js to a folder outside of your web server. UI Expand |
| On Linux, move the folder /var/www/html/webclient/ and save it to a different location outside of /var/wwww/html/webclient
UI Expand |
| On Windows, move the folder c:\inetpub\webclient and save it to a different location outside of c:\inetpub\webclient
UI Step |
Install the new webclient on your web server
UI Expand |
| On Linux, extract the i2b2webclient-1712.zip to the folder /var/www/html/webclient/ and copy the backup i2b2_config_data.js to /var/wwww/html/webclient
UI Expand |
| On Windows, extract the i2b2webclient-1712.zip c:\inetpub\webclient and copy the backup i2b2_config_data.js to c:\inetpub\webclient
UI Step |
Start WildFly Code Block |
language | powershell |
title | Linux Example |
collapse | true |
| $ /opt/wildfly-{version}.Final/bin/standalone.sh -b & |
UI Step |
Verify your upgrade UI Expand |
| Navigate to your local i2b2 Web Client in your preferred browser and verify you are able to log on and perform standard i2b2 functions. (e.g. Run queries, retrieve previous queries, view breakdowns, etc.). Click on the Analysis Tools at the top-right, you should see the SHRINE-to-i2b2 Connector and Patient Data Exporter plugins. |
Image Added |