Page History
Researcher's Guide
We have provided a Guide for this plugin to our researchers in University of Massachusetts Medical School. We welcome anyone who may find it useful to the researchers in their own institutions as well.
Ignore Excel Warning Dialog
When opening the resulting exported HTML-coded Excel file (.xls), a dialog similar to the following may be displayed:
Simply click \[Yes\] to displayed: Wiki Markup
Simply click [Yes] to proceed.
php.ini Setting and Resulting Exported HTML-coded Excel Spreadsheet File
Please note that if the "short_open_tag" in the /etc/php.ini file of a server (of this web client plugin) is NOT set to* "on*", then the resulting exported HTML-coded Excel spreadsheet may be just a blank file.
- or change line 15 of the SaveToExcel.php file,
toNo Format <body><?=$_REQUEST['datatodisplay']?>
No Format <body><?php echo $_REQUEST['datatodisplay']?>
Of these, we recommend updating the /etc/php.ini file.
BTW, after either change, one may need to clear clear the browser cache (close & restart browser session) to ensure the change takes effect.
Furthermore, if this "blank file" problem persists, then try the following:
- check for and remove any extraneous "short_open_tag = Off" lines in the /etc/php.ini file
- check for and remove any extraneous "short_open_tag = Off" lines in other files in the /etc/php.d directory
- try to restart both the php-fpm (if applicable) & the Apache services:
No Format /etc/init.d/php-fpm restart, (or service php-fpm restart) /etc/init.d/httpd restart, (or service httpd restart)
- then run
No Format chkconfig httpd on chkconfig php-fpm on
- then check to ensure:
should result in something like short_open_tag => On => OnNo Format php \-i \| grep short_open_tag