The deployment process at this stage of the installation will install the i2b2 Project Management (PM) Cell on the JBoss Web Server.
The following steps will walk you through the deployment process. The commands on a Windows Server may differ slightly on a Linux Machine. This difference will be noted when appropriate.
Step 1: Change working directory
The first step in the deployment process is to change your working directory to the location of your
The change directory command shown above is written for Windows. The command itself is the same for both Linux and Windows with the only exceptions being the slashes in the path name and Linux does not include the "drive".
- Linux Path: use a forward slash.
- Windows Path: use a backward slash.
Step 2: Deploy
The second and final step in the deployment process is to run the Ant script to deploy
Select the command line that is appropriate for your environment.
If the commands ant or %ANT_HOME% do not work it may be because you did not set your environment variables as suggested in the Requirements Chapter. If you do not wish to set this variable then you will need to replace %ANT_HOME% with the full path to your Ant directory.
Provided there were no problems running the script you will see Build Successful when the script finishes and the has been deployed.